We’re sorry, this class is full! Please call (858) 454-5872 to join the waitlist. We recommend classes 101. Drawing from the Masters with Ken and Stephanie Goldman online via Zoom and 3. Botanical Flowers—Watercolor with Thia Nevius in the La Jolla Studio.
Lori Mitchell
Wednesdays, 9:30 AM–12:30 PM, PST
April 2–May 28 (no class April 23)
(8 weeks, 24 total hours of Instruction)
We will be doing small to medium-size loose studies. We will keep the watercolor simple and fresh. We focus on the process more than the finished product, and we encourage play and experimentation. This is a great technique to learn for travel sketchbooks, greeting cards, or adding a little custom painting to your scrapbook, journal, or website. You will be able to finish several paintings. Lori will walk you through each project, and she will demonstrate and show samples, all in a very relaxed atmosphere. We will be drawing from observation of photos and from real life. We may have a guest artist join us for one lesson.
This class is set at an intermediate level. You should have some experience with drawing and painting before taking this class.
MATERIALS: Pens: I recommend Faber-Castell PITT or Micron waterproof, black. There’s a pack of four Faber-Castell PITT Artist Pens that have nib sizes superfine, fine, medium, and brush-pen. If you have a variety of nib sizes in another brand of acid free, waterproof pens, feel free to use them. (Note: Be sure it is not the four-pack that has thick pens used for calligraphy.)
Paper: one 9” x 12” watercolor pad. (From 90 lb. to 140 lb. is good. My favorite brand is Arches, cold or hot press, but others are fine.)
Watercolor: If you have watercolors, just use what you have. If you want to buy some, you can get the Prang-brand, 16-standard-color set or splurge and buy tubes of Daniel Smith or Winsor & Newton. If you want a set for travel, get a travel Winsor & Newton set, with professional colors.
Brushes: The sets usually come with a brush. I recommend that you get additional brushes (round #2, 6, and 8) and a flat, wash brush (½”). Feel free to set up any pens or paper you would like to try. If you would like to get a travel water brush, Niji is the best brand.
Misc.: glue stick, scissors, two water containers, spray bottle, water mister, watercolor well palette. (It’s a palette with little cups to hold the paint.)
Optional: one Uni-ball, Signo white fine-tip pen or white gel pen, Speedball sketching project set, and black waterproof India ink. Faber-Castell PITT Artist Pens, waterproof, sanguine and/or sepia, any thickness of nib.
Max students: 12
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About Online Classes via Zoom:
The technology to take one of our online classes is surprisingly simple. You need only a computer or tablet with a camera, microphone, and internet connection, and we are here to help, should you experience any technical difficulties.