We’re sorry, this class is full! We recommend class 84. Coffee & Salt Drawing.
Sharon Carol Demery
Thursday–Friday, 10 AM–1 PM
December 5–6
[Students can leave materials overnight Dec. 5 and work in the studio from 1–4 PM (without instruction)]
(2 Days, 6 total hours of instruction)
La Jolla Studio
$100/120 + $20 materials fee paid to instructor
This fun and focused class emphasizes the basics of creating a painting. Emphasis in this class will be on an impressionist technique of painting using an “alla prima” (wet into wet) style of painting, keeping loose brushwork, thick paint, and eliminating detail. We will emphasize composition, color, form, and lighting. There will be a still life setup. I do a painting demonstration in each class.
Materials: Paints: Your preference of paints: oil, acrylic, watercolor, gouache … you name it!
Please include Titanium White, Cadmium Yellow Light (cool yellow), Cadmium Yellow (warm yellow), Cadmium Red Light, Alizarin Crimson, Ultramarine Blue, Cerulean Blue, Viridian Green or Phthalo Green. Plus any colors of paint that you would like to use.
Brushes: Bring a variety of brushes for your choice of paints that include #2, #4, #6, #8. Good quality brushes make a difference.
Other materials: 12” x16” paper palette pad; odorless Turpenoid and linseed oil for oils; soft vine charcoal; 1.5- or 2-inch palette knife; paper towels; two small jars with lids; spray bottle for acrylic painters; sketchbook; color pencils; four canvas or canvas boards, 11” x 14” or your preference. Good quality watercolor paper for watercolor painters.
Suggested items: Masterson Sta-Wet Palette Seal to keep paints moist; glass palette to go inside the box making paint easier to mix; Silicoil jar with spring in the bottom to clean brushes; two tall containers to hold clean and used brushes at your station in the studio.
Please email me at sharoncaroldemery@gmail.com if you have any questions. I am always available to help.
Max students: 13
Immediately after you register, look for a confirmation email and receipt. In the week preceding the class start date, you will receive another email with more details.
These classes will be held in compliance with State of California and County of San Diego health regulations as applicable at the time of each class. The safety of our students, faculty, and staff continues to be our highest priority.