ROBERTA ALLEN: Thinking About Thought
Rotunda Gallery
Thinking About Thought
September 24–November 5, 2016
New York artist Roberta Allen presented a series of eighteen abstract drawings on paper, entitled Thinking About Thought. Each drawing also incorporated text. Language has been the inspiration for most of Allen’s conceptual art for many years. Her work, exhibited internationally, is in the collection of The Metropolitan Museum of Art as well as many other public and private collections. The Athenaeum holds the complete collection of Allen’s artist’s books, most created in the 1970s.
“In my drawing series “Thinking About Thought,” I continue to explore how language informs or changes the meaning of images in a perceptual scheme of my own making. I use this conjunction to probe our interior worlds with more than a hint of humor. These works have evolved out of my long-standing interest, not only in language, but in consciousness, and recently in neuroscience. Through the interplay of text and image, I encourage introspection.”
Year: 2016, Gallery: Carolyn Yorston-Wellcome Rotunda GalleryCarolyn Yorston-Wellcome Rotunda GalleryRoberta Allen