The Athenaeum’s Erika & Fred Torri Artists’ Books Collection

Book NumberArtistTitlePub. YearBox No.Comment
AB 2011.40Abeles, KimEncyclopedia persona19939
AB 2015.87Abramović, MarinaInbetween1998168
RSM A161 reAbramović, MarinaRelation work and detour1980
AB 2008.149Abramović, MarinaMarina Abramović, Galerija suvremene umjetnosti, Zagreb, 14.10-22.10.1974197426
AB 2000.37Acconci, VitoThink/Leap197634
AB 2022.4Acconci, VitoPlot: 1974197634
AB 2005.49Ackroyd, NormanThe Stratton Street series200377
AB 2010.37Adey, DavidThe post-modern Prometheus2010156
AB 2022.27Adili, GolnarShe feels your absence deeply202181
AB 2007.27Agid, ShanaSnitch2004110
AB 2001.79Alberola, Jean-MichelAstronomie populaire1990139
AB 1995.7Allan, MaryWherever I looked19934
AB 2004.18Allen, Jo HarveyThe beautiful waitress200084
AB 2016.67Allen, RobertaThinking about thought, 2014, book 1201446
AB 2016.68Allen, RobertaThinking about thoughts, 1-8201646
AB 2018.94Allen, RobertaSome facts about fear201746
RSM A428 evAllen, RobertaEverything in the world there is to know is known by somebody, but not by the same knower1981
RSM A428 inAllen, RobertaInvisible line of limitation197546Folio
RSM A428 paAllen, RobertaPartially trapped lines1975
RSM A428 poAllen, RobertaPointless acts, 1-41…1977
RSM A428 poiAllen, RobertaPointless arrows: 12…1976
RSM A428 posAllen, RobertaPossibilities: 16 images..1977
RSM A428 soAllen, RobertaSome facts about fear1980
AB 2001.44Allen, TerryChina night198551
AB 2001.64Allen, TerryTerry Allen's Ohio198651
AB 2001.65Allen, TerryTerry Allen (part of and...198151
AB 2001.86Allen, TerryBig witness198951
AB 2001.87Allen, TerrySimple story199251
AB 2004.71Allix, Susan J.Moment200183
AB 2005.13Alÿs, FrancisblueOrange 2004200490
AB 2005.14Alÿs, FrancisWalking distance from the studio200490
AB 2011.64Alÿs, FrancisLe temps du sommeil199890
AB 2015.3Alÿs, FrancisPacing201432
AB 2010.7Anderson, CurtisDanse bipolaire2004132
RSM A546 obAnderson, HarryObject scene is an…1981
AB 2015.75Andrade, Jonathas deManual para 2 em 12015198
AB 2016.15Andre, CarlCarl Andre: Ausstellung vom 18 Oktober bis 15 Dezember 1968196837
RSM A555 caAndre, CarlSculpture 1959-19781978
RSM A555 diAndre, Carl12 dialogues 1962-19631980Oversized
RSM A555 quAndre, CarlQuincy book1973
AB 2001.80Anselmo, GiovanniLire1990139
AB 2005.46Antin, DavidAutobiography1967176
AB 2012.14Antin, DavidDefinitions196777
AB 2001.78Antin, Eleanor100 boots1999139
AB 2012.2Antin, EleanorBeing Antinova198329
AB 2012.12Antin, EleanorEleanora Antinova plays199429
AB 2010.17Anzinger, SiegfriedEngel von Forte dei Marmi2005132
AB 2016.20Appel, AnnesasView on the world map 06: realignment2014197
AB 2015.74Apple, JackiThe tower2015198
AB 2003.4Applebroog, IdaBut I wasn't there...1979133
AB 2003.5Applebroog, IdaI feel sorry for you...1979133
AB 2003.6Applebroog, IdaI pretend to know...1979133
AB 2003.7Applebroog, IdaIt isn't true...1979133
AB 2003.8Applebroog, IdaLook at me...1979133
AB 2003.9Applebroog, IdaNow then...1979133
AB 2003.10Applebroog, IdaSure I'm sure...1979133
AB 2003.11Applebroog, IdaSweet smell of sage...1979133
AB 2003.12Applebroog, IdaPerformance1979133
AB 2003.13Applebroog, IdaYou what?...1979133
AB 2003.14Applebroog, IdaYou'll see...1979133
AB 2003.15Applebroog, IdaI can't...1981133
AB 2003.16Applebroog, IdaI mean it...1981133
AB 2003.17Applebroog, IdaIt's very simple...1981133
AB 2003.18Applebroog, IdaSo?...1981133
AB 2003.19Applebroog, IdaStop crying...1981133
AB 2003.20Applebroog, IdaPerformance1981133
AB 2003.21Applebroog, IdaPerformance: The end1981133
AB 2003.30Applebroog, IdaThe lifeguards are carrying a still body out of the water: a performance19771332 copies
AB 2003.31Applebroog, IdaSometimes a person never comes back: a performance19771332 copies
AB 2003.32Applebroog, IdaIt is my lunch hour: a performance19771332 copies
AB 2007.40Applebroog, IdaSay something: a performance19771332 copies
AB 2007.54Applebroog, IdaI can do anything: a performance19771332 copies
AB 2008.34Applebroog, IdaWhere do I come from?: a performance19771332 copies
AB 2008.35Applebroog, IdaI overdo it: a performance19771332 copies
AB 2008.85Applebroog, IdaWith a certain smile?1979133
AB 2008.103Applebroog, IdaIt doesn't sound right: a performance19771332 copies
AB 2008.106Applebroog, IdaA Christmas Carol in prose1993133
AB 2010.29Applebroog, IdaI'm not your son: a performance, Act 21977133
AB 2010.30Applebroog, IdaA performance1977133
AB 2013.63Applebroog, IdaScripts2011133
RSM A648 itApplebroog, IdaIt isn't true: a performance1979c.2 in AB coll
RSM A648 peApplebroog, IdaPerformance1979c.2 in AB coll
RSM A648 swApplebroog, IdaSweet smell of sage: a performance1979
RSM A648 yoApplebroog, IdaYou'll see: a performance1979c.2 in AB coll
AB 2013.14Arceneaux, Edgar107th Street Watts2003176
AB 2005.17Armleder, JohnYellow pages200427
AB 2010.66Artschwager, RichardAuf und Nieder/Kreuz und Quer2003118
AB 2008.91Asher, DanNature dispossessed, dispossessed by nature1997132
AB 2001.50Asher, MichaelExhibitions in Europe198055
AB 2001.69Asher, MichaelWritings198356
AB 2001.83Asher, MichaelPainting and sculpture199987
AB 2004.99Asher, MichaelEin Beitrag fur OUTLOOK200387
AB 2005.61Asher, MichaelUntitled ["George Washington" chronology]200587
AB 2018.21Atkinson, TerryHot, warm, cool, cold196816
RSM A974 prAycock, AliceProject entitled, " Beginnings…1977
AB 2023.11Bailey, AliciaSeven deadly sins1999226
AB 2023.16Bailey, AliciaMexico stories1997226
AB 2004.90Bain, Willard S.Informed sources196986
AB 1998.12Baldessari, JohnTelephone book1988147
AB 1999.39Baldessari, JohnZorro1998147
AB 2001.77Baldessari, JohnLamb = cordero1993147
AB 2001.88 Baldessari, JohnBrown and Green2001147
AB 2002.16Baldessari, JohnLife & opinions of Tristram Shandy1988119Oversized
AB 2002.32Baldessari, JohnFour events1975147
AB 2003.36Baldessari, JohnJohn Baldessari: National City1996147
AB 2003.58Baldessari, JohnMetaphor problem again199964a
AB 2004.110Baldessari, JohnYours in food, John Baldessari2004147
AB 2007.56Baldessari, JohnPrima facie: Marilyn's dress, a poem (in four parts)2006147
AB 2008.22Baldessari, JohnBaldessari - RMS W VU: wallpaper, lamps, and plants (new)1998147
AB 2008.56Baldessari, JohnRetrospective2007147
AB 2008.104Baldessari, JohnPrima facie: Marilyn's dress, a poem (in four parts)2006122With box and print
AB 2008.136Baldessari, JohnWhile something is happening here, something else is also happening there: works 1965-20012001147
AB 2008.141Baldessari, JohnBrown and green and other parables2001152
AB 2008.150Baldessari, JohnThrowing a ball once to get three melodies and fifteen chords1973147
AB 2009.8Baldessari, JohnNoses & ears, etc. Part three2007147
AB 2009.64Baldessari, JohnAgain the metaphor problem and other engaged critical discourses about art: a conversation between John Baldessari, Liam Gillick and Lawrence Weiner2007147
AB 2010.44Baldessari, JohnIngres and other parables1972147
AB 2010.53Baldessari, JohnParse2010160
AB 2010.73Baldessari, JohnMiracle chips: guaranteed fresh2009147
AB 2011.23Baldessari, JohnCalifornia viewpoints1986160
AB 2012.1Baldessari, JohnBrutus killed Caesar1976160
AB 2012.3Baldessari, JohnThrowing three balls in the air to get a straight line: best of thirty-six attempts1973160
AB 2012.16Baldessari, JohnFable1977147
AB 2012.36Baldessari, JohnChoosing: green beans1972160
AB 2012.54Baldessari, JohnJohn Baldessari, Barbara Bloom: between artists2011160
AB 2017.91Baldessari, JohnScenes from the cutting-room floor2017209
RSM B193 clBaldessari, JohnClose-cropped tales1981
AB 2012.32Baldessari, John & Koen van den BroekThis an example of that2008163
AB 2002.71Baldridge, CharleneWinter roses1990632 copies
AB 2004.48Balkenhol, StephanSkulpturen, Zeichnungen, Fotografien und Material200382
AB 2004.49Balkenhol, StephanFotografien200382
AB 2008.98Baltz, Lewis & Slavica PerkovicStories of desire and power1995131
AB 2004.62Barajas, DiegoDispersion: a study of global mobility and the dynamics of a fictional urbanism200382
AB 2018.70Barath, EstherBeyond the promise: portrait of a southern California beach community1987211
AB 2022.42Barath, EstherEmily Dickinsons, many of them2008211
AB 2002.42Barry, RobertCome on198760
AB 2002.40Barry, Robert, et al.January 5-31, 1969196960
RSM B293 beBarton, Carol Beyond the page1983
AB 1999.19Barton, Carol JuneTunnel map198819
AB 1999.20Barton, Carol JuneVision shifts199819
AB 1999.21Barton, Carol JuneLoom198919
AB 1999.22Barton, Carol JuneInstructions199319
AB CAT 2Barton, Carol JuneBooks & bookends19901
AB 2018.28Baruchello, GianfrancoMi viene in mente: romanza196638
AB 2017.22Baskauskas, EricCoverage: pastel black2008167
AB 2017.23Baskauskas, EricCoverage: dirt green2008167
AB 2017.24Baskauskas, EricCoverage: light blue2008167
AB 2017.25Baskauskas, EricCoverage: meat red2008167
AB 2017.26Baskauskas, EricJust deserts2007204
AB 1997.7Baskin, LeonardSemblant1996121Oversized
AB 2001.1Baskin, LeonardLeonard Baskin: monu...2000137
AB 2001.7Baskin, LeonardCancelleresca...1965137
AB 2001.91Baskin, LeonardIcones librorvm200073
AB 2004.25Baskin, LeonardDrawings for the Iliad1962188Oversized
AB 2008.102Baskin, LeonardThe disconnected sodality: woodcuts & lithographs & words2005137
AB 2016.54Basquiat, Jean-MichelThe notebooks2015176
AB CAT 77Bates, LourdesBeauty & meaning: art & poetry in the book arts of Mexico20022
AB 2000.38Baumgarten, LotharMakunaima198734
RSM B355 atBaxter, GlenAtlas1982
AB 2010.47Bay Park PressBeasts at bay2009169
AB 2011.94Bay Park PressIt's raining cats and dogs201131
AB 2015.68Bay Park PressBeasts in the bay201546
AB 2017.2Bay Park PressThe book of hours2017165
AB 2006.54Beard, MarkThe Cote d'Azur triangle1985122
AB 2015.18Beck, KimField guide to weeds200826
AB CAT 96Beckman, SiriWhy artists' books?19933
AB 2006.9Bee, SusanThe burning babe and other poems2005101
AB 2002.56Belknap, Dorothy RozziA place to mend: an artist's book in two volumes1998111Oversized
AB 1995.3Bell, LarryUntitled19751
AB 2013.67Bellingham, DavidFresh fruit + tables200856
AB 2009.46Belt, AdamA thing is a hole in a thing it is not200949
AB 2007.76Bengston, Billy AlBilly Al Bengston1968130
AB 2007.77Bengston, Billy AlPuerto escondido: watercolor suite1977130
AB 2007.78Bengston, Billy AlA decade of Billy Al Bengston: the seventies1981130
AB 2004.72Benish, BarbaraThe book of Revelation199585
AB 2007.26Benish, BarbaraThe bride in the enclosed garden200385
AB 2008.72Berkowitz, TerryBlood stone1991143
AB 2021.15Berman, Harriete EstelThe family of appliances you can believe in198338
AB 1999.2Berrigan, TedTed Berrigan: an annotated checklist]199814
AB 2016.21Berriolo, ElenaVarious music for a while2011198
AB 2001.22Beube, DouglasManhattan street198253
RSM B468 apBeuys, JosephAppeal by Joseph Beuys1979
RSM B468 auBeuys, JosephAus Berlin: Neues vom…1979
AB 2010.20Biel, Michael von54/552005132
AB 2008.30Bittermann & Dukageheimn.d.132
AB 2008.73Blain, DominiquePostcards1993143
AB 2023.2Blake, GreyoryInefficacy models202222
AB 2013.26Blake, Scott9/11 flipbook200819
AB 2010.2Blanco, AlbertoA la luz de la noche2007118
AB 2011.5Blanco, AlbertoMecanografías2011166
AB 2018.96Blanco, RichardBoundaries201772
AB 2016.66Blancquaert, LieveEcce homo2016202
AB 2008.156Blazevic, Neda MirandaNeoNTINTE199126
AB 2004.69Blocker, MareHorseshoes a la der Blaue Reiter199582
AB 2023.14Blocker, MareDance of death1991226
AB 2015.86Bloom, BarbaraGhost writer1988186
AB 2011.43Blum, HeinerAugentauschen19957
AB 2011.34Boberg, OliverHimmel V2001136
AB 2012.67Bochner, MelOn certainty1991167
AB 2012.69Bochner, MelWorking drawings and other visible things on paper not necessarily meant to be viewed as art1997178
AB 2012.70Bochner, MelPrimer 1973198
AB 2012.71Bochner, Mel11 excerpts197192
AB 2016.50Bochner, Mel(toward) Axiom of indifference, 1971-19731974198
AB 2016.70Bochner, MelFontana's light1991198
AB 2016.71Bochner, MelFrom A (Andre) to X (Xerox)2002198
AB 2016.74Bochner, MelMel Bochner1971198
AB 2016.75Bochner, MelMel Bochner: Centro de Arte y Comunicación1972198
AB 2016.76Bochner, MelVia Tasso1993198
AB 2016.77Bochner, MelNotes on theory1971198
AB 2016.78Bochner, MelA colouring book2012167
AB 2017.89Bochner, MelSinger notes, 196820171782 copies
AB 2017.90Bochner, MelPrimer: the complete catalog of twenty-one demonstrations from A theory of sculpture: (counting)2014176
AB 2018.52Bochner, MelTheory of sculpture: Fontana's light2012178
AB 2020.41Bochner, MelLanguage is not transparent2020216
RSM B664 miBochner, MelMisunderstandings…n.d.
AB 2012.72Bogardus, PeterSeventeen trees: Africa2011194
AB 1999.36Böhmler, ClausÜber das Ablesen von Farben199935
AB 2009.60Bohnenberger, StefanPrinz Stufitz, mein Indienalbum2003132
AB 2001.4Boltanski, ChristianLe Club Mickey1991148
AB 2002.50Boltanski, ChristianReserve des enfants...1994148
AB 2003.130Boltanski, ChristianSterblich1996148
AB 2004.104Boltanski, ChristianVerloren in Munchen1997148
AB 2005.37Boltanski, ChristianEntendre les chiens2005109
AB 2007.23Boltanski, ChristianChristian Boltanski.Zeit2006148
AB 2007.24Boltanski, ChristianReconstitution1990109
AB 2008.53Boltanski, ChristianSachlich1995109
AB 2008.54Boltanski, ChristianDiese Kinder suchen ihre Eltern1994109
AB 2008.55Boltanski, ChristianEnsembles1997109
AB 2008.61Boltanski, ChristianZeit 1996109
AB 2008.69Boltanski, ChristianScratch2002109
AB 2008.70Boltanski, ChristianInventaire du Cabinet d'art graphique, 1977-19982000109
AB 2008.71Boltanski, ChristianThe work people of Halifax, 18771995?109
AB 2008.74Boltanski, ChristianWhite shadows1991143
AB 2008.81Boltanski, ChristianL'Album photographique de Christian Boltanski, 1948-19561998109
AB 2008.82Boltanski, ChristianListe des artistes ayant participe a la Biennale de Venise, 1895-19951995109
AB 2010.12Boltanski, ChristianSo schnell1999132
AB 2010.21Boltanski, ChristianSchenkung Christian Boltanski1993148
AB 2010.24Boltanski, ChristianSo schnell (Special edition)1999132
AB 2013.64Boltanski, ChristianNotícies del dia1994109
AB 2013.65Boltanski, ChristianEl caso1988148
AB 2008.50Bömmels, PeterWenig besungene Helden1999132
AB 2010.18Bonfert, GerdSehungen2004132
AB 1999.33Boren, EvelyneJoie de vivre199849
AB 2006.35Boshier, DerekWhat…?2005114Oversized
AB 2010.35Boshier, DerekHow to draw water2009114
AB 2012.13Boshier, Derek16 situations197128
AB 2022.25Boshier, DerekAmerican and guns202128
AB 2006.29Bourgeois, LouiseReceuil des Secrets200553
AB 2010.10Braun, AlexanderPioniere!2004132
AB 1996.9Braunstein, TerryWindows198219
AB 1996.10Braunstein, TerryTale from the fire199519
AB 2001.21Brecht, GeorgeLetters and jazz198353
AB 2012.61Brecht, GeorgeChance-imagery1966176
AB 2018.24Brecht, George & Robert FilliouGames at the Cedilla: or, The Cedilla takes off196716
AB 2023.25Brigham, Holly TrostleSacred sisters2016227
AB 2000.14Brim, RichendaHandmade199734
AB CAT 72Broaddus, John EricJohn Eric Broaddus: Arts of the Book Collection, Yale University Library, April 25, 2001-June 25, 200120012
AB 2009.35Bronsteen, EarlContemporary art appreciation 101200687
AB 2002.26Broodthaers, MarcelBucher - kataloge -199760
AB 2004.94Broodthaers, MarcelUn voyage a Waterloo200160
AB 2004.95Broodthaers, MarcelCeci est une pipe200160
AB 2004.101Broodthaers, MarcelAutour de la Lorelei199787
AB 2008.62Broodthaers, MarcelMarcel Broodthaers: the complete prints199187
AB 2011.73Broodthaers, MarcelLe cadran scolaire198987
AB 2019.31Broodthaers, MarcelPense-bête201687
RSM B871 edBroodthaers, MarcelEditionen (1964-1975)1978
RSM B871 voBroodthaers, MarcelVoyage to the North Sea1974
AB CAT 33Brooklyn Museum of ArtArtists books200013 copies
AB 2002.9Brossa, JoanOda a Joan Miro197359
AB 2006.19Brouwn, Stanley1 m x 1 m199386
RSM B875 stBrouwn, StanleyStanley Brouwn1976
RSM B875 thBrouwn, StanleyThis way Brouwn…1971
AB 2020.32Brouws, JeffreyTwentysix abandoned gasoline stations1992218
AB 2023.26Brubaker, JoeSomnabulists2008226
AB 1997.14Bruggeman, IngeJack on jack199611
AB 2001.58Bryan, TaraPancho & the200055
RSM B926 esBuczak, BrianEskimos. Indians…1980
AB 2002.69Budd, PeggyHarmony199462
AB 2004.87Bunn, DavidSubliminal messages2003862 copies
AB 2001.20Burden, ChrisB-car197753
AB 2001.36Burden, ChrisOn the occasion of the exhibition LAX, Galerie Krinzinger, Vienna, Austria, 1992199254
AB 2022.23Burden, ChrisChris Burden, 71-731974223
AB 2022.24Burden, ChrisChris Burden, 74-771978223
RSM B950 71Burden, ChrisChris Burden, 71-731974
RSM B950 74Burden, ChrisChris Burden, 74-771978
AB 2002.21Buren, DanielFarbige und Vielfache200060
AB 2012.82Buren, DanielFolge Nr. 2 = Suite no. 21975110
AB 2012.88Buren, DanielLimités critiques1970110
AB 2022.3Buren, DanielSenkrechte Farbige und weisse Streifen1971110
AB 2022.6Buren, DanielMise en garde196960
RSM B952 coBuren, DanielColeurs: sculptures…1981Oversized
RSM B952 poBuren, DanielPonctuations. Statue…1980
RSM B952 reBuren, DanielReboundings…1977
AB 1993.1Burgess, MichelePoem made of water19922
AB 1996.7Burgess, MicheleLoess19958
AB 1998.6Burgess, MicheleSleeping inside the glacier19976
AB 1999.9Burgess, MicheleWhen there were treesn.d.6
AB 2002.57Burgess, MicheleSwimming lessons200162
AB 2003.137Burgess, MicheleEtchings of buried memory200379
AB 2006.15Burgess, MicheleThe blue vein20042
AB 2014.82Burgess, MicheleWaves2014103
AB 2016.23Burgess, MicheleThe white of ships2008197
RSM B956 faBurgin, VictorFamily1977
AB 2023.18Burmeister, UrsulaConcertina book #22012226
AB 2010.39Burns, Margaret E.A tango with Ataturk20084
AB 2005.64Burtner, CarylThe exorcism of page thirteen199379
AB 2003.108Butella, AlanLost & found characters199776
AB 2004.83Butler, EugeniaThe book of lies, vol. III2004192
AB 2001.5Byars, James LeePerfect is my death word199553
AB 2018.90Byars, James Lee100,000 minutes1969132
AB 2022.8Byrne, BrindanBlue202295
AB 2009.6Byrne, Stephen T."One breath" suite200535
AB 2018.49Byrnes, AlisonScientific theories once widely believed, since proven wrong201365
AB 2006.49Bytheriver, MaryleeColor1992106
AB 1999.31Cage, JohnRolywholyover199337
AB 2015.71Cage, JohnDiary: how to improve the world (you will only make matters worse),continued. Part three (1967)1967196
AB 2018.19Cage, JohnA year from Monday: new lectures and writings1967204
AB 2018.23Cage, JohnSilence: lectures and writings197351
AB 2018.104Cage, JohnNotations1969127
RSM C143 deCalaway, LorenDesignated blank book…1974Oversized
AB 2000.26California FibersConnections1998Own box
AB CAT 99Calle, BobChristian Boltanski: artist's books 1969-200720083
AB 2003.57Calle, SophieVisite guidee1996182
AB 2006.33Calle, SophieAppointment with Sigmund Freud2005182
AB 2013.1Calle, SophieLe carnet d'adresses2009182
AB 2013.2Calle, SophieL'hôtel2009182
AB 2013.3Calle, SophieDes histoires vraies2009182
AB 2013.4Calle, SophieLes dormeurs2009182
AB 2013.5Calle, SophieM'as-tu vue2008182
AB 2003.93Campbell, CaroleeXXIV short love poems200271
AB 2005.1Campbell, CaroleeBurn down the zendo200489
AB 2012.129Canetti, EliasThe voices of Marrakesh2001102
AB 2001.37Canham, AnthonyLeo Schrade: Joseph Haydn als Schöpfer der klassischen Musik198854
AB 2012.112Carabajal, FernandoNotebooks and margins20126
AB 2013.35Caramelle, ErnstÖch könn jetzt nöt röden198129
RSM C259 blCaramelle, ErnstBlätter 1973-19781981
RSM C259 foCaramelle, ErnstForty found fakes, 1976-1979Oversized
RSM C259 ocCaramelle, ErnstÖch könn jetzt nöt röden1981
AB 1998.25 Carle, EricMagical painted papers1997223
AB 2013.8Carrión, UlisesFor fans and scholars alike1987179
AB 2013.9Carrión, UlisesEphemera1978179
AB 2013.10Carrión, UlisesFrom bookworks to mailworks1978179
AB 2017.84Carrión, UlisesEl arte nuevo de hacer libros2016205
AB 1994.6Castoro, RosemarieEntfuhrung19889
AB 1995.2Castoro, RosemarieSamson et Dalila19889
AB 2005.39Cattelan, MaurizioMaurizio Cattelan: Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris200489
AB 2003.95Caudillo, DianeWomen's ecology200271
AB 2016.5Celender, DonObservations, protestations and lamentations of museum guards throughout the world1978194
RSM C392 muCelender, DonMuseum piece1975Oversized
AB 1998.26Chagoya, EnriqueCodex espangliensis: from Columbus to the Border Patrol199818
RSM C434 deChaimowicz, Marc Camille12 decors textiles de…1983
AB 2024.13Challenger, MargaretPrayer: Hildegard of Bingen 1098-11791999
AB 2017.27Chang, PhilFour over one2010205
AB 1994.1Chatelain, MarthaLight around the edges19833
AB 1994.2Chatelain, MarthaRough edges1993?3
AB 2014.86Chen, AiliElla201232
AB 1999.35Chen, JulieBon bon mots199871
AB 2001.67Chen, JulieInversions200056
AB CAT 65Chopin, HenriRevue OU, Collection OU19932
AB 2000.13Christensen, JudithBook for a buck1999By library front desk
AB 2008.116Christensen, JudithAnza Borrego200134
AB 2008.117Christensen, JudithVolume III: Via air, book four199934
AB 2008.118Christensen, JudithVolume II: Road trips, book nine200134
AB 2009.45Christensen, JudithVestiges III: browsing through the "T" drawer - "True" - Section two200734
RSM C46 ocChristoOceanfront1975
AB 2000.1Clark, EmilieTraveler and the hill199838
AB 2008.114Clemente, FrancescoAlcuni telefonini200879
AB 2005.16Close, ChuckA couple of ways of doing something2003103
RSM C626 keClose, ChuckKeith/Six drawings/19791979
AB 2004.60Coffey, MarjorieYellow slickers199982
AB 2004.61Coffey, MarjorieAesop's fables199982
AB 2006.53Cohen, Brian D. The bird book2004118
AB 2008.51Cohen, Brian D. Pierrot Lunaire: poems2007202
RSM C721 evColp, Norman B.Every night when I go to…1983
RSM C721 frColp, Norman B.Freud's recipe1983
RSM C721 olColp, Norman B.Old saw1982
RSM C721 prColp, Norman B.Primer on art criticism1983
AB 2013.39Colson, GregFaster, Jim2002186
AB 2015.51Conner, BruceThe ballad of lemon and crow200238
AB 2024.1Cooper, LilianTidelines: wave mapping2023226
AB 2022.7Coplans, JohnFoot198969
AB CAT 9Coracle PressSpines & Spirals: the Norfolk books 1990-1996n.d.1
AB 2012.57Corner, PhilipPopular entertainments1967176
AB 2003.90Coron, BéatriceFigures of thoughts1990s71
AB 2007.60Coron, BéatriceSpring in Central Park199971
AB 2003.39Cotter, SueDreaming Las Vegas…200266
AB 2003.41Cotter, SueLake's edge199766
AB CAT 46Cotter, SueEven rocks get lost20023
AB 2023.5Cox, Joy DruryStranger2014226
AB 2018.119Crasset, MataliLes capes201876
AB 1998.5Cremean, RobertTenth arch (2 copies)199632
AB 1999.4Cremean, RobertVatican corridor197432
RSM C915 twCremean, RobertTwo sculptures1976
AB 2018.98Criswell, LynnPortraits 2017132
AB 2017.96Crone, JoanLetters of my life199542
AB 2003.37Cross, Henri-EdmondCarnet de dessins195966
AB 2018.32Cunningham, MerceChanges: notes on choreography196838
AB 1998.14Cutler-Shaw, JoyceAlphabet of bones198622
AB 1998.15Cutler-Shaw, JoyceThree cages1993172
AB 1998.18Cutler-Shaw, JoyceAikido conversations199822
AB 2001.2Cutler-Shaw, JoyceCircle and the self1999172
AB 2003.98Cutler-Shaw, JoyceNotebook pages from...2003172
AB 2003.99Cutler-Shaw, JoyceRemembering Italo2001172
AB 2003.100Cutler-Shaw, JoyceLost and found…2001172
AB 2004.1Cutler-Shaw, JoyceThe fence of wild grasses200380
AB 2004.2Cutler-Shaw, JoyceMiniature alphabet of bones200380
AB 2004.4Cutler-Shaw, JoyceBird silhouettes200380
AB 2004.5Cutler-Shaw, JoyceElegy for the natural world200380
AB 2004.6Cutler-Shaw, JoyceOde to Avicennna200380
AB 2004.7Cutler-Shaw, JoyceThe lady and the bird odyssey197780
AB 2004.8Cutler-Shaw, JoyceLost and found: in the garden of wild birds200180
AB 2004.9Cutler-Shaw, JoyceMessenger…the sign of its trackn.d.80
AB 2004.107Cutler-Shaw, JoyceThe anatomy lesson2004113Oversized
AB 2005.53Cutler-Shaw, JoyceConcert: Gustavo Romero…2005172
AB 2008.43Cutler-Shaw, JoyceLibrary quartet200380
AB 2009.7Cutler-Shaw, JoyceMessenger1981-8680
AB 2009.10Cutler-Shaw, JoyceThe cage of wild branches200180
AB 2009.11Cutler-Shaw, JoyceInto flight (ws)200880
AB 2009.12Cutler-Shaw, JoyceThe sycamore leaf canopy200380
AB 2009.13Cutler-Shaw, JoyceNew York memory pictures200780
AB 2009.14Cutler-Shaw, JoyceThe poet's house is my house200780
AB 2009.15Cutler-Shaw, JoyceEpisodes of the city200780
AB 2009.16Cutler-Shaw, JoyceShadows: the movie stills, 2007200780
AB 2009.16, c.2Cutler-Shaw, JoyceShadows: the movie stills, 20072007194
AB 2009.17Cutler-Shaw, JoyceAikido conversations, in drawings and words199980
AB 2011.8Cutler-Shaw, JoyceAfter the fires in Seldon Canyon2009172
AB 2011.9Cutler-Shaw, JoyceInto flight (ws) [Artist's proof]200880
AB 2011.10Cutler-Shaw, JoyceThe stones: when the river runs dry2009172
AB 2011.11Cutler-Shaw, JoyceAt Elephant Butte: when the river runs dry2009172
AB 2011.12Cutler-Shaw, JoyceScorched trees in Seldon Canyon2009172
AB 2011.13Cutler-Shaw, JoyceStones2009172
AB 2011.14Cutler-Shaw, JoyceInto the labyrinth2009172
AB 2014.34Cutler-Shaw, JoyceFrom The anatomy lesson: memory picture 12012172
AB 2014.35Cutler-Shaw, JoyceFrom The anatomy lesson: memory picture 22012172
AB 2014.36Cutler-Shaw, JoyceFrom The anatomy lesson: memory picture 32012172
AB 2014.37Cutler-Shaw, JoyceFrom The anatomy lesson: memory picture: brain territory 42012172
AB 2014.38Cutler-Shaw, JoyceFrom The anatomy lesson: memory picture: New York odyssey 52012172
AB 2016.28Cutler-Shaw, JoyceThe marital kiss2005802 copies
AB 2016.29Cutler-Shaw, JoyceBalboa Park Activity Center project1998172
AB 2016.30Cutler-Shaw, JoyceMission Valley Library: railing of wild river grasses2003172
AB 2016.31Cutler-Shaw, JoyceSurvival, Evolution19822002 copies
AB 2016.32Cutler-Shaw, JoyceRailing of wild river grasses2003172
AB 2016.33Cutler-Shaw, JoycePortraits of poets: Porter Gallery 19922015172
AB 2016.34Cutler-Shaw, JoyceCage corridor1980172
AB 2016.35Cutler-Shaw, JoyceThe poem of bone200580
AB 2016.36Cutler-Shaw, JoyceOrbital loops2012172
AB 2016.37Cutler-Shaw, JoyceNewborns: life cycles19912002 copies
AB 2016.38Cutler-Shaw, JoyceNameroom1982200
AB 2016.39Cutler-Shaw, JoyceMemory pictures installation (xerox book)2001200
AB 2016.40Cutler-Shaw, JoyceThe lab coats: from The anatomy lesson2001172
AB 2016.41Cutler-Shaw, JoyceGreenwich Village life2007200
AB 2016.42Cutler-Shaw, JoyceDrawing book 2000s172
AB 2016.43Cutler-Shaw, JoyceDimensional limbs and trunks2013172
AB 2016.44Cutler-Shaw, JoyceWingtrace/The sign of its track1986?172
AB 2016.45Cutler-Shaw, JoyceSecret messages1990200
AB 2016.46Cutler-Shaw, Joyce100 from 2000: a selected population, vol. 31978200
AB 2016.51Cutler-Shaw, JoyceVillage life2007172
AB 2017.5Cutler-Shaw, JoyceLa cage1990198
AB 2017.6Cutler-Shaw, JoyceThe cage: pop-up study1990172
AB 2017.7Cutler-Shaw, JoyceTeylers Museum Into flight: xerox book1990172
AB 2017.8Cutler-Shaw, JoyceAn exhibition for Teylers Museum Haarlem, The Netherlands1989198
AB 2017.9Cutler-Shaw, JoyceCage corridor: proposal for a total room installation1980172
AB 2017.10Cutler-Shaw, JoyceMessenger ?203
AB 2017.11Cutler-Shaw, JoyceInto flight: an exhibition for the Museum d'histoire naturelle Paris1990194
AB 2017.12Cutler-Shaw, JoyceInto flight (metal cover)1988198
AB 2017.13Cutler-Shaw, JoyceWingwall: proposal for a total wall installation1987172
AB 2017.14Cutler-Shaw, JoyceMessenger: Loft IV1979200
AB 2017.16Cutler-Shaw, JoyceBone box1996203
AB 2017.17Cutler-Shaw, JoyceAlphabet of bones: proposal for a total room installation of wall texts and drawings1990172
AB 2017.18Cutler-Shaw, JoyceAlphabet of bones (ebony box with bone ties)1987198
AB 2017.28Cutler-Shaw, JoyceThe slow death of Rose1991203
AB 2017.29Cutler-Shaw, JoyceThe slow death of Rose (without collage)1990203
AB 2017.30Cutler-Shaw, JoyceThe stones of Dachau1997207
AB 2017.32Cutler-Shaw, JoyceDay of the dead: Lola's last days1991203
AB 2017.33Cutler-Shaw, JoyceMuseum of Anatomy Waxworks Paris2005200
AB 2017.34Cutler-Shaw, JoyceMuseum of Medicine, Juntendo University Tokyo2005203
AB 2017.35Cutler-Shaw, JoyceOriginal Anatomical Theatre book: University of Bologna, Bologna, Italyn.d.203
AB 2017.36Cutler-Shaw, JoyceAnatomical Theatre Padua, Italy1997203
AB 2017.37Cutler-Shaw, JoyceAnatomical Theatre : Lieden [sic], The Netherlands1985200
AB 2017.38Cutler-Shaw, JoyceVasari Gallery, University of Bologna1985203
AB 2017.39Cutler-Shaw, Joyce36 steps of the Lamed-Vov: a proposal2004203
AB 2017.40Cutler-Shaw, JoyceThe dead: life cycles1991200
AB 2017.42Cutler-Shaw, JoyceFrom Day of the dead1991203
AB 2017.43Cutler-Shaw, JoyceThe lady as night blooming cereus?203
AB 2017.44Cutler-Shaw, JoyceThe anatomy lesson scroll2007203
AB 2017.45Cutler-Shaw, JoyceExtremities: skeletal fragments2014203
AB 2017.46Cutler-Shaw, JoyceImages from Body archaeology, The Anatomy Lesson2001203
AB 2017.47Cutler-Shaw, JoyceVeins and branches2001203
AB 2017.48Cutler-Shaw, JoyceAnatomy lesson drawings2001203
AB 2017.49Cutler-Shaw, JoyceAnatomy lesson drawing book2007203
AB 2017.50Cutler-Shaw, JoyceOf fragments and scale #2720022032 copies
AB 2017.51Cutler-Shaw, JoyceOf fragments and scale #2620022032 copies
AB 2017.52Cutler-Shaw, JoyceA decade of drawing: nine selected drawings from The Anatomy Lesson, 1992-20022002198
AB 2017.53Cutler-Shaw, JoyceBody fragments: from The anatomy lesson2006203
AB 2017.54Cutler-Shaw, JoyceBody fragments: from The anatomy lesson (proposal book)2004203
AB 2017.55Cutler-Shaw, JoyceThe anatomy lesson: dimensional drawings proposal2004203
AB 2017.58Cutler-Shaw, JoycePortable cabinet2000206
AB 2017.59Cutler-Shaw, JoyceAlbertina conversations1998207
AB 2017.60Cutler-Shaw, JoyceOf fragments and scale: a proposal2001206
AB 2017.62Cutler-Shaw, JoyceThe cage1992206
AB 2017.63Cutler-Shaw, JoyceMessenger namingn.d.206
AB 2017.64Cutler-Shaw, Joyce100 from 2000: a selected population, vol. 11977206
AB 2017.65Cutler-Shaw, JoyceName picturesn.d.203
AB 2017.66Cutler-Shaw, JoyceNamewalln.d.207
AB 2017.67Cutler-Shaw, JoyceWaters of the nations1981207
AB 2017.68Cutler-Shaw, JoyceThree Global site projections: Survival-Evolution projectn.d.208
AB 2017.69Cutler-Shaw, JoyceThe passage: Andison House, documentary book1995207
AB 2017.70Cutler-Shaw, JoyceThe sudden death of Eddy1991207
AB 2017.71Cutler-Shaw, JoyceMessenger: father died1981207
AB 2017.72Cutler-Shaw, JoyceThe slow death of Rose (dimensional collage book)1991207
AB 2017.73Cutler-Shaw, JoyceTwo anatomies: Joyce Cutler-Shaw & Bartholini, a visual conversation across time2003208
AB 2017.74Cutler-Shaw, JoyceBodyscapes: from The anatomy lesson2004207
AB 2017.75Cutler-Shaw, JoyceThe Union Ice Company: Survival-Evolution project1981208
AB 2017.76Cutler-Shaw, JoyceUNESCO odyssey, Paris: Survival-Evolution project1981208
AB 2017.77Cutler-Shaw, JoyceClearing the UN Plaza to photograph the site: Survival-Evolution project1981207
AB 2017.78Cutler-Shaw, JoycePortrait of Phil1981208
AB 2017.79Cutler-Shaw, JoyceCharity namewall I1981208
AB 2017.80Cutler-Shaw, JoyceFather died1981207
AB 2017.81Cutler-Shaw, JoyceThe New York odyssey I: the lady and the bird1981208
AB 2017.82Cutler-Shaw, JoyceUSC Mass release: the lady and the bird1981207
AB 2017.83Cutler-Shaw, JoyceSurvival sculpture: Survival-Evolution project1981207
AB 2017.97Cutler-Shaw, JoyceInSite 94: La condicion humana = The human condiciton1994209
AB 2017.98Cutler-Shaw, JoyceNameroom with namepoemsn.d.208
AB 2017.99Cutler-Shaw, JoyceMessenger: a performance1986208
AB 2017.100Cutler-Shaw, JoyceFlighted bird installation1985208
AB 2017.102Cutler-Shaw, JoyceThe red wall2007208
AB 2018.1Cutler-Shaw, JoyceLibrary quartet: new and retrospective works2003208
AB 2018.2Cutler-Shaw, JoyceWingtrace/The sign of its track : Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University1986208
AB 2018.3Cutler-Shaw, JoyceGraphic notes from "The anatomy lesson"1992208
AB 2018.4Cutler-Shaw, JoyceBody language: new and retrospective drawings from The anatomy lesson2004208
AB 2018.33Cutler-Shaw, JoyceThe circle and the self: a picture story1999208
AB 2018.34Cutler-Shaw, JoyceBird silhouettes III: selected from the wild birds of Central Park2006208
AB 2018.35Cutler-Shaw, JoyceBody archaeology: from the Anatomy lesson1996207
AB 2018.37Cutler-Shaw, JoyceThe lab coats 2011208
AB 2018.39Cutler-Shaw, JoyceEvolution of the DNA caduseus2000207
AB 2018.40Cutler-Shaw, JoyceJapan anatomyn.d.208
AB 2018.41Cutler-Shaw, JoyceDNA caduceus drawing book and proposal materials sleev1997-2000210
AB 2018.42Cutler-Shaw, JoyceBird silhouettes II: selected from the wild birds of Los Angeles2006210
AB 2018.43Cutler-Shaw, JoyceThe dead. Volume II2006210
AB 2018.44Cutler-Shaw, JoyceThe dead: life cycles [unnumbered edition]1991210
AB 2018.45Cutler-Shaw, JoyceBird silhouettes IV: selected from the wild birds of New Mexico2009210
AB 2018.46Cutler-Shaw, JoyceWingtrace/The sign of its track: National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, January 22 to March 20, 19861986208
AB 2018.54Cutler-Shaw, JoyceTeylers Museum Into flight: the Odyssey of the Messenger1990210
AB 2018.55Cutler-Shaw, JoyceBalboa Park Activity Center: etched glass entry2008210
AB 2018.56Cutler-Shaw, JoyceThe language of gesture: from The anatomy lesson2004210
AB 2018.57Cutler-Shaw, JoyceMission Valley Library Installation, 20032003210
AB 2018.58Cutler-Shaw, JoyceEpisodes of the city: exhibition book2007210
AB 2018.59Cutler-Shaw, JoyceOdyssey of messenger: exhibition proposal1989210
AB 2018.60Cutler-Shaw, JoyceInto flight proposal for exhibition at UCSD1989210
AB 2018.61Cutler-Shaw, JoyceAndison House installation: the journey and the passage1995210
AB 2018.62Cutler-Shaw, JoyceInsite installation1994210
AB 2018.63Cutler-Shaw, JoyceThe slow death of Rose intersection gallery exhibition, San Francisco1991210
AB 2018.64Cutler-Shaw, JoyceStonecrest presentation book, black and white photographs1999207
AB 2018.65Cutler-Shaw, JoyceEddy intersection gallery exhibition book1991207
AB 2018.66Cutler-Shaw, JoyceThe anatomy lesson [exhibition]1993194
AB 2018.67Cutler-Shaw, JoyceBalboa Park Activity Center interior terrazzo floors project documentation1998-99210
AB 2018.68Cutler-Shaw, JoyceAnatomy lesson graphic notes installation: art gallery at CA State College LA1994200
AB 2018.69Cutler-Shaw, JoyceBalboa Park Activity Center: the circle & the self metal work photo book1998207
AB 2018.71Cutler-Shaw, JoyceStonecrest presentation book, color photographs1999207
AB 2018.72Cutler-Shaw, JoyceLibrary quartet: new and retrospective works: a first collaboration between membership, university and public libraries [a]2003210
AB 2018.73Cutler-Shaw, JoyceLibrary quartet: new and retrospective works: a first collaboration between membership, university and public libraries [b]2003210
AB 2018.74Cutler-Shaw, JoyceWingtrace: Cornell opening1986210
AB 2018.75Cutler-Shaw, JoyceMelting word sculpture (made for Survival Storefronts)2007210
AB 2018.76Cutler-Shaw, JoyceLight lines2009210
AB 2018.77Cutler-Shaw, Joyce36 steps of the Lamed-Vov: documentary of installation2003210
AB 2018.78Cutler-Shaw, JoyceOf water and the river: meditations on the Rio Grande2009210
AB 2018.79Cutler-Shaw, JoyceWingtrace/The sign of its track: San Diego Natural History Museum1985210
AB 2018.80Cutler-Shaw, JoyceBalboa Park Activity Center exterior terrazzo floor paintings1998210
AB 2018.81Cutler-Shaw, JoyceEpisodes of the city: the outdoor vitrines original photographs, large2007210
AB 2018.82Cutler-Shaw, JoyceBalboa Park Activity Center: circle & the self "mini book"1998210
AB 2018.83Cutler-Shaw, JoyceInto flight exhibition for the Museum d'histoire naturelle Paris1990211
AB 2018.84Cutler-Shaw, Joyce 1990211
AB 2018.85Cutler-Shaw, JoyceChildren's Museum proposal: images from the bridge2007211
AB 2018.86Cutler-Shaw, JoyceThe brain IVn.d.211
AB 2018.87Cutler-Shaw, JoyceThe brain Vn.d.211
AB CAT 92Cutler-Shaw, JoyceEpisodes of the city20073
AB 2001.28Cutts, SimonMirroirs198454
AB 2004.66Cutts, SimonA canticle for Fred Sandback200354
AB 2008.48Dahn, WalterThe abandoned house1997132
AB 1998.13Darboven, HanneOne century198828
AB 2000.32Darboven, HanneR.M. Rilke198735
AB 2000.35Darboven, HanneHanne Darboven: Venice Biennale198235
AB 2002.55Darboven, HanneHanne Darboven: Evolutio199661
AB 2003.59Darboven, HanneHanne Darboven: Konstr...199461
AB 2004.105Darboven, HanneHanne Darboven: Venice Biennale198288
AB 2011.39Darboven, HanneEl Lissitzky: K. und Pangeometrie1973131
AB 2018.97Darboven, Hanne6 Manuskripte "69"196972
RSM D242 biDarboven, HanneBismarckzeit1979
RSM D261 arDavis, DouglasArbeiten/works 1970-19771978
RSM D261 frDavis, DouglasFragments for a new art…1975
AB 2024.4Day, RimaScriptum XXVII2024226
AB 1995.11De Grazia, ItoriYoung corn rises195311
AB 2007.33Deacy, BrendonA life in relief2006126
AB 2004.36Dean, TacitaThe green ray200381
AB 2024.8Dean, TacitaFloh2001
AB 2009.5Deeg, DanielaTapetenwechsel: change of scenery200878
AB 1999.28Delgado, AnibalVeronican.d.152Oversized
AB 2005.23Deller, JeremyThe uses of literacy200490
AB 2010.59Demand, ThomasThomas Demand präsentiert Scheinprobleme in der Philosophie2006159
AB 2011.6Desmazières, ÉrikLa biblioteca de Babel1997171
AB CAT 7Dettmer, BrianAdaptations20092
RSM D543 jaDibbets, JanJan Dibbets: Scottish Arts Council Gallery, Edinburgh, 18 September to 17 October 1976 1976
RSM D543 roDibbets, JanRobin Redbreast's territory1970
AB 2015.39Diebenkorn, RichardPoems of W.B. Yeats1990190
AB 1999.25Dilger, AlbertoEl Kiel199829
AB 1999.27Dilger, AlbertoSeen.d.29
RSM D582 inDimitrijevic, BracoInterview1974
RSM D582 seDimitrijevic, BracoSelf portraits after…1978
RSM D582 taDimitrijevic, BracoTale of an artist and a …1976Oversized
AB 2008.146Dimitrijević, BracoTale of an artist and a castle197667
AB 2008.148Dimitrijević, BracoSelf portraits after Rembrandt and Miguel Perez, 1968-1978197867
AB 2002.45Dine, JimPoet assassinated196861
AB 2010.67Dine, JimBoy in the world: a memoir2009176
AB 2024.5Dine, JimTaking lessons2022182
AB 2003.119Dion, MarkPolar bear200377
AB 2008.47Dion, MarkTheatrum mundi1997132
AB 2011.4Dion, MarkThe marvelous museum2010167
AB 2012.118Dion, MarkBureau of the Centre for the Study of Surrealism and its Legacy2005167
AB 2015.4Dion, MarkSome thoughts, musings,and histories about the High Line of New York City201332
AB 2015.35Dixon, MonetA tour of the Athenaeum Music & Arts Library201526
AB 2011.54Doeringer, EricRecords2011123
AB 2011.55Doeringer, EricArcs, circles & grids2011123
AB 2011.70Doeringer, EricThe xeroxed book2010169
AB 2013.30Doeringer, EricSome Los Angeles apartments200920
AB 2013.34Doeringer, EricStained201218
AB 2012.95Domínguez, IsraelGlorieta sin agua2011179
AB 2000.3Donald, MaryObsolescence: 1938-n.d.41
AB 2000.4Donald, MaryObsolescence: vegetationn.d.41.1Box label = 41a
AB 2000.5Donald, MaryObsolescence: contractn.d.41.1Box label = 41a
AB 1999.42Dorfmann, ElsaEn famille199934
AB 2012.121Dorfsman, AlexPlot your progress201242
AB 2008.25Dorn, Antjeshuddup1999132
AB 2013.21Douglas, StanEvery building on 100 West Hastings20026
AB 1994.3Dove, ToniMesmer, secrets199321
AB 2002.44Downsbrough, PeterProspectus198860
AB 2003.109Downsbrough, PeterAnd here, as200276
AB 2010.72Downsbrough, PeterNow201060
AB 2011.72Downsbrough, PeterInside199476
AB 2015.5Downsbrough, PeterTwo lines: untitled 4.08200976
AB 2015.6Downsbrough, PeterAnd197776
AB 2015.15Downsbrough, PeterNotes on location201276
AB 2015.16Downsbrough, PeterSet[in, 2011201376
AB 2016.47Downsbrough, PeterTwo lines, five sections197576
AB CAT 29Downsbrough, PeterBooks19932
RSM D751 arDownsbrough, PeterAround1978
AB 2003.86Dreher, PeterTag um tag guter tag: Das Glas200270
AB 2003.87Dreher, PeterAubergines zeichnungen200270
AB 2004.111Dreher, PeterTag um Tag ist guter Tag199090
AB 2012.103Dreher, PeterDie Kleeblume201290
AB 2013.59Driscoll, TomElectronic lab notebook found in trash199642
AB 2007.3Droese, FelixVanishing images1993108
AB 2008.24Droese, Felixanonymus1996132
AB 2008.23Droese, IrmelIch im Du1997132
AB 1996.14Drucker, JohannaNarratology19941
AB 2002.64Duchamp, MarcelBride stripped bare by...200262
AB 2013.20Duff, EloiseWhere we went2013184
AB 2009.3Dupont, StephenAfghanistan: or The perils of freedom200877
AB 1998.17Edwards, DeborahFlameguard199820
AB 2001.40Eisler, GeorgWilhelm Furtwangler: Die Musik Ludwig van Beethovens198954
RSM E41 waElias, SheilaWashworks1979
AB 2004.41Eliasson, OlafurYour position surrounded…1999142
AB 2004.42Eliasson, OlafurLandscapes with yellow background1998142
AB 2004.43Eliasson, OlafurYour difference & repetition2001142
AB 2004.93Eliasson, OlafurMy now is your surroundings2001142
AB 2005.5Eliasson, OlafurFrost activity2004142
AB 2005.6Eliasson, OlafurMovement meter for Lernacken2002142
AB 2006.32Eliasson, OlafurDufttunnel2005142
AB 2007.19Eliasson, OlafurPhotographs2004142
AB 2007.20Eliasson, OlafurThe Goose Lake Trail2006142
AB 2008.52Eliasson, OlafurTYT (Take your time): vol. 1: small spatial experiments2007142
AB 2008.59Eliasson, OlafurLanzarote series2003142
AB 2008.139Eliasson, OlafurLavaland2007142
AB 2016.55Eliasson, OlafurReality machines2015201
AB 2016.58Eliasson, OlafurVersailles2016201
RSM E42 biElk, Ger vanBiennale di Venezia 19801980Oversized
RSM E42 weElk, Ger vanWell shaven cactus1972
AB 2000.12Elliott, MelissaLa Vida Via "Visa"199947
AB 2010.41Elmer, BridgetWe can go beyond it2009101
AB 2000.34Elmslie, KenwardNite soil200034
AB 1995.9Epping, EdAbstract refuse19951
RSM E74 kiEscher, FredKillings / drawings1980
AB 2001.42Escher, RolfTheodor W. Adorno:198454
AB 2013.29Eye, FrankTwenty-four former filling stations200716
AB 2008.129Eyfjőrd, SteingrimurThe golden plover has arrived200759
AB 2008.132Eyfjőrd, SteingrimurFour works200887
AB 2013.18Ezawa, KotaThe history of photography remix2006181
AB 2003.49Fabro, LucianoKunst wordt terung…199067
AB 2020.7Falk, MargaretLa la landscapes197753
AB 2002.19Feldmann, Hans-PeterBücher1999145
AB 2003.110Feldmann, Hans-PeterAll the clothes of a woman1999135
AB 2003.118Feldmann, Hans-PeterVistas desde habitaciones de hotel2002146
AB 2003.127Feldmann, Hans-Peter19411996135
AB 2004.39Feldmann, Hans-PeterDas kleine Movenbuch2004145
AB 2004.40Feldmann, Hans-PeterDie Toten 1967-19931998146
AB 2004.98Feldmann, Hans-PeterBilder2002145
AB 2004.103Feldmann, Hans-Peter100 Jahre2001135
AB 2005.36Feldmann, Hans-PeterGraz2002145
AB 2005.41Feldmann, Hans-PeterFerien1994145
AB 2006.22Feldmann, Hans-PeterVoyeur2006146
AB 2006.26Feldmann, Hans-PeterFrauen im Gefängnis2005145
AB 2007.63Feldmann, Hans-PeterBirgit2006145
AB 2007.64Feldmann, Hans-PeterZeitungsphotos2006146
AB 2007.65Feldmann, Hans-PeterBuch #92007135
AB 2007.71Feldmann, Hans-PeterImage nr. 11979145
AB 2007.81Feldmann, Hans-PeterSmoke2007146
AB 2007.82Feldmann, Hans-PeterBlau: 3 short stories2006145
AB 2007.89Feldmann, Hans-PeterFoto2007145
AB 2008.13Feldmann, Hans-PeterParis2005132
AB 2008.17Feldmann, Hans-PeterDie beunruhigenden Musen: Hans-Peter Feldmann in der Antikensammlung der Kunsthalle zu Kiel2006135
AB 2008.57Feldmann, Hans-PeterLiebe2006135
AB 2008.64Feldmann, Hans-PeterHans-Peter Feldmann präsentiert abstrakte Kunst2005135
AB 2008.65Feldmann, Hans-PeterbabeL Photo Magazine: Beauty2005135
AB 2008.83Feldmann, Hans-Peter1 Bild/von Feldmann1970134
AB 2008.84Feldmann, Hans-Peter6 Bilder/von Feldmann1971134
AB 2008.95Feldmann, Hans-Peter9 Bilder/von Feldmann1971134
AB 2008.96Feldmann, Hans-Peter10 Bilder/von Feldmann1972134
AB 2008.97Feldmann, Hans-Peter15 Bilder/von Feldmann1972134
AB 2008.99Feldmann, Hans-PeterHans-Peter Feldmann, das Museum im Kopf1989135
AB 2008.153Feldmann, Hans-Peter5 Bilder/von Feldmann1972134
AB 2010.63Feldmann, Hans-PeterAnother book2010146
AB 2010.64Feldmann, Hans-PeterArbeiten 1991145
AB 2011.66Feldmann, Hans-PeterVoyeur (5th ed.)2011145
AB 2011.67Feldmann, Hans-PeterInterview2009145
AB 2012.127Feldmann, Hans-PeterTales of an artist1992146
AB 2012.131Feldmann, Hans-PeterEine Firma1991135
AB 2012.132Feldmann, Hans-PeterAlbum de famille2002135
AB 2013.61Feldmann, Hans-PeterPorträt1994134
AB 2022.29Feldmann, Hans-PeterVoyeur1994146
AB 2022.30Feldmann, Hans-PeterVoyeur1997146
AB 2022.31Feldmann, Hans-PeterVoyeur2009146
AB 2022.32Feldmann, Hans-PeterVoyeur2014146
AB 2022.33Feldmann, Hans-PeterVoyeur2021146
AB 2022.34Feldmann, Hans-Peter4 Bilder1973146
AB 2023.30Feliz, StarWhen eye land2023226
AB 2007.55Ferguson, GeraldThe standard corpus of present day English language usage arranged by word length and alphabetized within word length197088
AB 2015.70Fernbach-Flarsheim, CarlFrom the designer's sketchbook1967106
AB 2001.63Ferrara, JackieTraversing space199356
AB 2002.68Ferrara, JackieDrawings June and July…197762
RSM F374 drFerrara, JackieDrawings June and July…1977
AB 2018.117Fields, LauraFront pages with pictures of women: the New York Times201465
AB 2012.59Filliou, RobertA Filliou sampler1967176
AB 2018.26Filliou, RobertAmple food for stupid thought196531
RSM F495 orFine, JudOr: An introduction1974
AB 2007.48Fine, RuthThe Janus Press: fifty years200651
AB 2010.48Fine, RuthFour months/four seasons2010163
AB 2001.26Finlay, Ian HamiltonImitations...197657
AB 2001.27Finlay, Ian HamiltonJibs197257
AB 2001.72Finlay, Ian HamiltonHoney by the water197357
AB 2003.106Finlay, Ian HamiltonPassport200276
AB 2004.26Finlay, Ian HamiltonOcean stripe series 2196557
AB 2004.27Finlay, Ian HamiltonOcean stripe series 3196557
AB 2004.28Finlay, Ian HamiltonOcean stripe series 4196657
AB 2004.29Finlay, Ian HamiltonOcean stripe 5196757
AB 2004.30Finlay, Ian HamiltonRhymes for lemons197057
AB 2004.31Finlay, Ian Hamilton[Wave]196957
AB 2004.32Finlay, Ian HamiltonAllotments197057
AB 2004.33Finlay, Ian Hamilton3 blue lemons196857
AB 2004.34Finlay, Ian HamiltonCanal stripe series 4196457
AB 2004.35Finlay, Ian HamiltonGlasgow beasts, an a burd…1965572 copies
AB 2004.68Finlay, Ian HamiltonLanes196957
AB 2010.62Finlay, Ian HamiltonA sailor's calendar: a miscellany197157
AB 2011.41Finlay, Ian HamiltonStreiflichter199457
AB 2015.36Finlay, Ian HamiltonEvening will come…197057
AB 2016.2Finlay, Ian HamiltonHighlights: a homage to André Derain199757
AB 2018.11Finlay, Ian HamiltonSwatchway199857
AB 2018.12Finlay, Ian HamiltonUntitled199557
AB CAT 15Finlay, Ian HamiltonIan Hamilton Finlay & the Wild Hawthorn Press19901
AB 1999.18Fischli, Peter & David WeissGarten1998144
AB 2002.65Fischli, Peter & David WeissFindet mich das Gluck?n.d.144
AB 2003.77Fischli, Peter & David WeissSichtbare Welt2000144
AB 2003.80Fischli, Peter & David WeissFragen projektion2002144
AB 2003.84Fischli, Peter & David WeissBericht über den Künstlerischen19951442 copies
AB 2003.88Fischli, Peter & David WeissPlötzlich diese Übersicht2001144
AB 2007.83Fischli, Peter & David WeissWill happiness find me?2003144
AB 2007.88Fischli, Peter & David WeissBilder, Ansichten1991144
AB 2008.88Fischli, Peter & David WeissEquilibres2006144
AB 2011.75Fischli, Peter & David WeissSiedlungen, Agglomeration1993144
AB 2013.62Fischli, Peter & David WeissFotografias2005144
AB 2015.13Fischli, Peter & David WeissPolyurethane objects201432
AB 2016.3Fischli, Peter & David Weiss800 views of airports201298
AB 2012.83Fisher, JoelStädtisches Museum Mönchengladbach1975192
RSM F534 zwFisher, JoelZwischen zwei und drei…1984Oversized
AB 2011.26Fobes, DavidVinylbacks2010-11168
AB 2002.31Forester, RussellUnauthorized autobio...199760
AB 2002.79Forester, RussellFlash back198363
AB 2010.25Förg, GüntherMunchs Bettdecke1996132
AB 1994.4Fredman, FaiyaAbsurd sleepy ballet1994195
AB 1996.6Fredman, FaiyaD.R.'s Desert19964
AB 1999.41Fredman, FaiyaShe who knows...199938
AB 2005.20Fredman, FaiyaDomvs Avrea and Domvs Avrea II20053
AB 2008.42Fredman, FaiyaBotanical images 2005-200720073
AB 2008.86Fredman, FaiyaRome 2005n.d.3
AB 2014.76Fredman, FaiyaDomestic collection suggestions #12013189
AB 2014.77Fredman, FaiyaDomestic collection suggestions #22013189
AB 2014.78Fredman, FaiyaDomestic collection suggestions #32013189
AB 2014.79Fredman, FaiyaDomestic collection suggestions #42013189
AB 2007.96Freeman, BradChicago Stock Yards book, 1890/20072007130
AB 2014.87Freire, SebastiánEscritores argentinos20134
AB 1997.17Frost, GaryGary Frost: explorer of book structure & action19979
AB 1997.18Frost, GaryStudent guide to book conservation19979
RSM B279 frFruit Market GalleryRobert Barry, Victor…1976Oversized
AB 2024.7Fu, ColetteGolden Lotus2022226
AB 2001.57Fulton, HamishSkyline ridge1975552 copies
AB 2006.14Fulton, HamishNine works, 1969-19731977111Oversized, 2 copies
AB 2011.28Fulton, HamishStraight smoke1988136
AB 2012.87Fulton, HamishSixteen selected walks1975101
AB 2012.89Fulton, Hamish10 views of Brockmans Mount, a naturally formed hill near Hythe, Kent, England1973101
AB 2012.90Fulton, HamishHollow Lane1970s101
AB 2014.56Fulton, HamishCamp fire1985157
AB 2014.57Fulton, HamishThe Sweet Grass Hills of Montana as seen from the Milk River of Alberta19711362 copies
AB 2014.58Fulton, HamishRoads and paths1978157
AB 2015.79Fulton, HamishAjawaan1987106
AB 2016.60Fulton, HamishHorizon to horizon1983136
AB 2018.8Fulton, HamishSong of the skylark198255
AB 2018.13Fulton, HamishWild flowers1981101
AB 2018.15Fulton, HamishOne hundred walks1991106
RSM F974 neFulton, HamishNepal 1975: a 20 day…1977Oversized
AB 2015.24Fusco, MariaWith A Bao A Qu reading when attitudes become form201326
AB 2008.38Gaida, Klaus G.Portraits1996132
RSM G155 baGalgiani, PhillipBasic meaning in four…1983Oversized
AB 2017.88Galler, ThomasVarious fires and four running boys2009131
RSM G255 paGastini, MarcoParete1977
AB 1996.3Gaulke, CheriIm-'ped-a-ment19914
AB 2004.63Gayle, AmberMud in my veins199882
AB 2002.27GelatinB-thing200160
RSM G318 diGeller, MatthewDifficulty swallowing…1981
RSM G326 geGeneral IdeaGetting into the spirits…1980
AB 2007.18Genzken, IsaI love New York, crazy city2006122
AB 2013.40Gerber Bicecci, VéronicaTrail201260
AB 2007.2Gerber, AlisonArtists' work classification2006105
AB 2002.43Gette, Paul-ArmandVolcanisme sculptures...199060
AB 2011.97Geys, JefJef Geys voor beginners200220
AB 1997.8Gilbert & GeorgeLost day : 1972199612
AB 1997.13Gilbert & GeorgeOh, the grand old Duke..199612
AB 2002.28Gilbert & GeorgeGilbert & George the...197312
AB 2002.52Gilbert & GeorgeSomerset House 1971200212
AB 2003.47Gilbert & GeorgeWorlds and Windows199067
AB 2005.10Gilbert & George"Oh the grand old Duke of York"197290
AB 2008.26Gilles, PeterLa-bas1996132
AB 2014.20Gillick, LiamThe book of the 3rd of June200028
AB 2014.21Gillick, LiamMcNamara papers, Erasmus and Ibuka! Realisations, the what if! Scenarios199728
AB 2014.23Gillick, LiamErasmus is late199528
AB 2014.24Gillick, LiamFive or six199928
AB 2014.25Gillick, LiamLiterally no place: communes, bars and greenrooms200228
AB 2001.71Glier, MikeGarden court1995139
AB 2004.59Gober, RobertRobert Gober: Dia Center for the Arts199384
AB CAT 79Gojowczyk, HubertusThe book as object20053
AB 1997.10Golden, Alisa J.Lizard's snake suit199611
AB 2006.28Goldman, JudithKenneth Noland, handmade papers197899
AB 2015.76Gómez-Peña, GuillermoDOC/UNDOC2014197
AB 2005.62Gonzalez-Torres, FelixUntitled (Silver Beach)1990112Oversized
AB 2011.42Gonzalez-Torres, Felix[Untitled: (Passport #II)]19941122 copies
AB 2013.19Goode, JoeWater1990163
AB 2003.35Gordillo, LuisDibujos199766
AB 2009.9Gordon, DouglasDouglas Gordon200635
AB 2015.10Graham, DanTwo parallel essays: photographs of motion; Two related projects for slide projectors1970118
AB 2015.11Graham, DanSome photographic projects1970118
AB 2019.9Graham, DanPerformance 11970118
RSM G738 buGraham, DanBuildings and signs1981
RSM G738 viGraham, DanVideo-architecture-television1979
AB 2008.115Green, MaureenPapermaking at Hayle Mill, 1808-19872008139
AB 2018.124Gregg, JonPunta del burro2018199
AB 2023.7Griebler, MatthiasBurattino: 40 Zeichnungen1998226
AB 2020.2Grieger, ScottImpersonations197053
AB 2008.147Grieger, SusanBodies: more than 19,476 combinations197826
AB 2019.50Grieger, SusanFriends, artists197521
AB 2012.115Grimm, VerenaEl valle del silencio2007132 copies
AB 2023.20Gross, RoniThey cast no shadows2002226
AB 2023.22Gross, RoniI see you everywhere2003226
RSM G881 auGroth, JanAutour de la ligne…1976Oversized
RSM G881 jaGroth, JanJan Groth1986
RSM G881 teGroth, JanTegninger 1975-19851986
AB 2008.131Guđmundsson, Kristján200 pages on Barnett Newman2001217
AB 2001.73Guerrero, RaulImpressions of three...197950
AB 2001.85Guerrero, RaulEurope dreams199150
AB 2005.18Guerrero, RaulEnchaines1984502 copies
AB 2013.43Guerrero, RaulChe Guevara file2002188
AB 2013.44Guerrero, RaulNicaragua's elections1990188
AB 2013.45Guerrero, RaulMexico City 1993, Iowa 19902001186
AB 2015.73Guerrero, RaulBaja California (photographs) : 19722013198
AB 2020.29Guerrero, RaulNew York: 1979 (photographs)2020220
AB 2007.41Gunther, ThomasMy obsession is your obsession2006127
AB 2011.1Günther, ThomasMidnight rambler2006166
RSM H111 frHaacke, HansFraming and being framed1975
AB 2007.38Hagy-Boyer, SallyWord problems200651
AB 2007.92Hagy-Boyer, SallyMy life as a fish, book 2: to have a fish2005130
AB 2007.93Hagy-Boyer, SallyMy life as a fish 2004130
AB 2011.68Hagy-Boyer, SallyAnd when they played they really played … 2011170
AB 2016.26Hagy-Boyer, SallyColoring between the lines2016127
AB 2014.2Hailand, TimOne day in the life of Robert Wilson's The life and death of Marina Abramovic2011171
RSM B868 moHal Bromm GalleryMoving 19771978
AB 2006.46Hall, JuliaSlaves of Christo20057
AB 1999.8Hamilton, AnnSan Francisco Public Library: Public Art Project 19961996252 copies
AB 1999.10Hamilton, Anntropos199525
AB 2017.104Hamilton, AnnOneeveryone2017209
AB 2001.11Hammond, JimBest so far200144
AB 2000.16Händler, RolfBriefubermalungen200035
AB 2000.17Händler, RolfSkizzenbuch200035
AB 2003.85Händler, RolfSkizzenbuch von 1996-98n.d.69
AB 2002.1Hannah, DuncanAbundant treasures200158
AB 2017.3Hannock, StephenThe last ship from the river of the northern city2015221
AB 2012.35Hansen, AlIncomplete requiem for W.C. Fields1966176
AB 2001.62Happersett, SusanBox of growth199956
RSM H320 laHarrison, Helen MayerLagoon cycle diary pt II…1979Oversized
AB 2015.65 Hébert, Jean-PierreIn visible cities2012197
AB 2015.2Held, JohnWe'll chop his suey when he's gone200832
AB 2016.8Held, JuliusRembrandt and the book of Tobit1964189
RSM H492 deHemsworth, GerardDependent on/subject to1975
RSM H492 teHemsworth, GerardTen white paintings1977
AB 2008.15Herold, Georgimage [engl.] perdu [franz.] 11997132
AB 2010.26Herold, Georgimage [engl.] perdu [franz.] 21998132
AB 2007.32Hershman, LynnForming a sculptured/drama in Manhatten [sic]n.d.50
AB 2007.87Hesse, EvaDatebooks 1964/65: a facsimile edition2006130
AB 2023.13Hickman, CraigExplanations and clarifications2021226
AB 2018.101Hicks, CandaceCommon threads. Vol. XCII201874
AB 2018.17Higgins, DickA book about love & war & death: canto one196516
AB 2018.18Higgins, DickWhat are legends196016
AB 2018.27Higgins, DickJefferson's birthday; Postface196438
AB 2012.120Hill, Richard T.Mela: the life and art of Melanie Kent Steinhardt2002184
RSM H652 roHiller, SusanRough sea: 1972-19751976
RSM H654 frHilliard, JohnFrom the Northern counties1978Oversized
AB 2011.51Hinaekian, PeggyLa Pomme II1984130
AB 2012.122Hinaekian, PeggyThe four seasons1984181
AB 2018.5Hinaekian, PeggyPlaisirs d'amourn.d.181
AB 2018.6Hinaekian, PeggyFantasian.d.181
AB 1999.32Hiroshige, AndoShoal of fishes198024
AB 2003.56Hirst, DamienBeautiful afterlife199768
AB 2003.79Hirst, DamienI want to spend the rest...199773
AB 2003.123Hirst, DamienPictures from the Saatchi Gallery200178
AB 2014.27Hirst, DamienTheories, models, methods, approaches, assumptions, results and findings200068
AB 2004.91Hjorleifsson, EliasWhat is thisn.d.142
AB 2004.80Höch, HannahAlbum200485
AB 2004.73Hockney, DavidSix fairy tales from the Brothers Grimm197082
AB 2005.50Hockney, DavidThe blue guitar197795
RSM H659 blHockney, DavidThe blue guitar1977
AB 2005.24Hocks, PaulaMorandi's bottles197991
AB 2007.25Höfer, CandidaHamburg20024
AB 2010.74Höfer, CandidaDresden20064
AB CAT 18Hoffberg, Judith A.Women of the book200122 copies
AB 2000.29Hogan, EileenGreen place199936
AB 2012.66Hohenbüchler, Christine & IreneChicago, 1992-1995/Berlin, 1995-1996199575
AB 1998.2Holm, BillPlaying Haydn for the angel of death199720
RSM H758 raHolt, NancyRansacked: Aunt Ethel:…1980
AB 2001.49Holzer, JennyAbuse of power comes as no surprise: truisms and essays198355
AB 2004.56Holzer, JennyLaments198955
RSM H762 blHolzer, Jenny[Black book posters]1979-82
RSM H762 eaHolzer, JennyEating through living1981
AB 2011.36Hompson, Davi DetPamphlets1976-79136
AB 2012.73Honegger-Lavater, WarjaLittle red riding hood197192
AB 2008.130Horn, RoniTo place: becoming a landscape2001154
AB 2009.27Horn, RoniIf on a winter's night…Roni Horn…2003152A
AB 2009.28Horn, RoniIndex cixous: cix pax2005154
AB 2009.29Horn, RoniThis is me, this is you2002152A
AB 2009.30Horn, RoniA kind of you2007152A
AB 2009.31Horn, RoniRoni Horn aka Roni Horn2009152A
AB 2009.32Horn, RoniBird2008152A
AB 2009.33Horn, RoniHer, her, her, & her2004152A
AB 2009.36Horn, RoniWeather reports you2007154
AB 2009.37Horn, RoniMaking being here enough1995154
AB 2009.40Horn, RoniIndex cixous: cix pax2005154Edition without slipcase
AB 2010.31Horn, RoniTo place: Verne's journey1995154
AB 2010.32Horn, RoniTo place: Haraldsdóttir1996154
AB 2010.68Horn, RoniAnother water2000154
AB 2012.37Horn, RoniTo place: doubt box2006174
AB 2012.38Horn, RoniTo place: pooling waters1994174
AB 2012.98Horn, RoniDictionary of water2001174
AB CAT 75Horn, RoniCatalogs, artist's books & monographs20042
AB 2013.22Horowitz, SarahAlpha botanica2007184
AB 2018.95Horowitz, SarahWildflowers201672
RSM H823 roHorvitz, SuzanneRope trick1980
AB 2023.21Horvitz, Suzanne & Robert RoeschTender tearful spaces1992226
AB 2010.46Hubbell, JamesTo walk the emerald gate199269
AB 2010.6Huber, ThomasDie Bühne = La scène2001132
AB 2002.77Huebler, DouglasDurata=Duration197063
AB 2018.116Huebler, DouglasVariable piece 4: Secrets201663
RSM H887 loHuebler, DouglasLocation piece #2, New Yo City - Seattle, Washington1969
RSM H887 seHuebler, DouglasSecrets: variable piece 41973
RSM H887 selHuebler, DouglasSelected drawings 1968-19731975
AB 2008.75Huerta, BenitoSeason's greetings1990143
AB 2003.97Hultén, PontusMachine196871
RSM H926 stHumphrey, RalphStudies1977
RSM H939 coHunt, BryanConversations with nature1982
AB 2012.114Huyghe, PierreEl día del ojo201292 copies
AB 2018.120Iannone, DorothyYou who read me with passion now must forever be my friends2014205
AB 2010.16Ikemura, LeikoIsola2004132
AB 2007.66Immendorff, JörgPeer Gynt today, es lebe hoch der grosse Per1996159
AB 2007.67Immendorff, JörgDie Nase: Oper in drei Akten2002159
AB 2011.30Immendorff, JörgBrandenburger Tor Weltfrage1982159
AB 2002.48Irwin, RobertRobert Irwin1977612 copies
AB 2003.1Jackson, SarahGlimpsing the fragile ...198465
AB 2012.119Jacobi, Ritzi & Peter[Untitled]2000s181
AB 2001.9Jacobs, DianeKnow ledge able199538
AB 2004.38Jacobs, DianeAlphabet tricks200081
AB 2008.143Jahn, Jim1987 Post-its2008155
AB 2009.50Jahn, JimOne & one &2009155
AB 2009.51Jahn, JimPocket sampler2009155
AB 2009.52Jahn, Jimab CD2009155
AB 2015.41Jahn, Jimjj & jj2013194
AB 2015.42Jahn, JimScoring1992194
AB 2022.1Jahn, JimTrio2020217
AB 2011.47Jansma, ReinStairs1999168
AB 2015.69Janus PressTrio2014-15134
AB 2007.45Johanknecht, SusanWaste incant2007114
AB 2007.46Johanknecht, SusanSub text localities2007114
AB 2007.47Johanknecht, SusanVisions in the monitor1999114
AB 2008.155Johanknecht, Susan & Katharine MeynellVolumes (of vulnerability)200070A
AB 2015.7Jóhannsson, Sveinn FannarSome Los Angeles apartments201332
AB 2020.18Jóhannsson, Sveinn FannarHoles201732
AB 2020.19Jóhannsson, Sveinn FannarCollected good and bad ideas201632
AB 2020.20Jóhannsson, Sveinn FannarA sudden drop201515
AB 2020.21Jóhannsson, Sveinn FannarTen exhibits201832
AB 2020.22Jóhannsson, Sveinn FannarEight and a half days201532
AB 2020.23Jóhannsson, Sveinn FannarPortraits by waiters201332
AB 2022.18Johanson, ChrisYou are there200095
AB 2008.134Johnson, AaronDirection of the road2007166
AB 2006.3Johnson, PaulSailing to the dance of day200599
AB 2006.4Johnson, PaulThe tree house of time200599
AB 2006.5Johnson, PaulThe quest200599
AB 2006.6Johnson, PaulUrsula's garden200599
AB 2006.7Johnson, PaulSilently the Earth's heart watches200599
AB 2006.8Johnson, PaulHeaven on Earth200599
AB 2006.10Johnson, PaulDreaming of flying200599
AB 2006.11Johnson, PaulWhere is between?200599
AB 2006.20Johnson, PaulThe Grand Canyon200599
AB 2012.109Johnson, RayThe paper snake1965163
AB 2015.9Johnson, RayRay Johnson, Ray Johnson1978118
AB 2015.1Jones, Gregory EddiAnother twenty-six gas stations201432
RSM J92 caJudd, DonaldCatalogue of the exhibition…1975
RSM J92 coJudd, DonaldComplete writings 1959…1975
RSM J92 zeJudd, DonaldZeichnungen = Drawings…1976
AB 2000.36Julius, RolfMusic for a garden (CD)199634Companion to 2000.7
AB 2007.50Jungstedt, KurtFrithiofs saga1937124
AB 2006.12Jurayj, John5 poems, 5 paintings200299
AB 2004.106Kabakov, Emilia & Ilya KabakovThe palace of projects200189
AB 2008.45Kahle, Birgitcamera obscura1997132
RSM K12 drKahn, Louis I.Drawings 1981
AB 2019.18KaKeARTWhereas, we declare2018213
AB 2007.28Kaminecki, DamaraThe slapdownn.d.110
AB 2015.49Kaplan, JeromeRomance de la Guardia Civil Espanola = Ballad of the Spanish Civil Guard1974196
AB 2015.60Kaplan, JeromeDer Kübelreiter197272
AB 1997.15Kaprow, AllanDays off1970149
AB 2003.43Kaprow, AllanEcho-logy1975149
AB 2003.44Kaprow, AllanAir Condition1975149
AB 2003.45Kaprow, AllanPose1970149
AB 2003.61Kaprow, AllanRecord II1968149
AB 2003.62Kaprow, AllanMoving: a happening1967149
AB 2003.63Kaprow, AllanManeuvers1976149
AB 2005.48Kaprow, AllanSome recent happenings19661493 copies (1 reprint)
AB 2006.31Kaprow, AllanFluids2005149
AB 2007.6Kaprow, Allan2 Measures1974149
AB 2007.7Kaprow, Allan2nd Routine1974149
AB 2007.8Kaprow, AllanMatch1975149
AB 2007.9Kaprow, AllanRoutine1975149
AB 2007.10Kaprow, AllanWarm-ups1975149
AB 2008.36Kaprow, AllanStandards1979150
AB 2008.58Kaprow, AllanLikely stories19751492 copies
AB 2008.100Kaprow, AllanSatisfaction1976150
AB 2008.101Kaprow, AllanRates of exchange1975150
AB 2008.105Kaprow, AllanA tribute to John Cage1987?149
AB 2008.107Kaprow, AllanOn time1974149
AB 2008.108Kaprow, AllanSweet wall testimonials1976149
AB 2008.144Kaprow, Allan7 environments1992150
AB 2010.34Kaprow, Allan18 happenings in 6 parts2007149
AB 2011.61Kaprow, AllanUntitled essay, and other works20071493 copies
AB 2011.74Kaprow, Allan7 kinds of sympathy1976149
AB 2011.76Kaprow, AllanTime pieces1973149
AB 2011.89Kaprow, AllanBlindsight1979149
AB 2011.96Kaprow, AllanWords1962149
AB 2012.22Kaprow, AllanClick(with Sherry Stewart)1969150
AB 2012.24Kaprow, AllanTestimonials1976150
AB 2012.46Kaprow, AllanComfort zones: June 19751975150
AB 2012.124Kaprow, AllanCollagen, Environments, Videos, Broschüren, Geschichten, Happening- und Activity-Dokumente 1956-198619861502 copies
AB 2013.56Kaprow, AllanUseful fictions1975150facsimile
AB 2016.72Kaprow, Allan3 crime stories1995149
AB 2010.45Karasik, MikhailDrama Marinetti2008177Oversized
AB CAT 12Karasik, MikhailLithograph editions: exhibition catalogue19922
AB CAT 14Karasik, MikhailEin Buch für sich selbst20002
AB CAT 20Karasik, MikhailLithografisch gestaltete Bücher19932
AB 2013.27Katchadourian, NinaSorted books2013184
AB 1997.5Katz, AlexLigeia: a libretto19961
AB 2012.75Katz, Alex and Kenneth KochInterlocking lives1970176
AB 1999.12Katz, BabetteMy flag199512
AB 1999.13Katz, BabetteGetting there199212
AB 1999.14Katz, BabetteAt the beach198812
AB 1999.15Katz, BabetteYarn199212
AB 2014.84Katz, LeandroS(h)elf portrait 1972200837
AB 2014.85Katz, LeandroLibro quemado = Burnt book1995131
AB 2014.89Katz, LeandroLas esdrújulas19613
AB 2022.51Kawabe, MisakiFukushima mon amour2018223
AB 2022.52Kawabe, MisakiNostalgic hentai2010223
AB 2015.34Kawai, MisakiSwiss special201126
AB 2019.14Kawara, OnDate paintings 1981-1983198394
AB 2014.28Keats, JohnOde à un rossignol & autre poèmes2009179
AB 1998.7Kelly, BillForce = equal19966
AB 2000.40Kelly, BillMimages1999125
AB 2004.108Kelly, BillFigures made visible in the sadness of time200388
AB 2007.31Kelly, BillThis is how it is2005125
AB 2014.53Kelly, BillDuck blind2013180
AB 2003.27Kelly, EllsworthLine form color: 1951199965
AB 2018.118Kennedy, RodInstamatic clouds201665
AB 2019.42Kennedy, StevenHainanese chicken & rice: a memoir201726
AB 2011.57Kentridge, WilliamLexicon2011168
AB 2012.6Kentridge, WilliamThe refusal of time (with Peter L. Galison)201124
AB 2019.11Kidd, JanalynUnstoppable decay, vol. 1201894
AB 2008.145Kiefer, AnselmDie Donauquelle197867
AB 2020.1Kienholz, EdwardFive car stud 1969-1972, revisited2011199
AB 2000.24Kies, HelmutÖsterreich196940Box moved to Sp Coll
AB 2007.49Killion, TomEastward the armies1980123
AB 2000.22King, RonaldSong of Solomon196837
AB 2000.23King, RonaldMacbeth197040Box moved to Sp Coll
AB 1997.4King, SusanNew York City, my mother told me199513
AB 1999.11King, SusanI dream Atget199736
AB 2001.89King, SusanRedressing the sixties200136
AB 2019.26King, SusanPacific legend197713
AB 1995.8King, Susan E.Lessons from the south198613
AB 1996.15King, Susan E.Treading the maze199313
AB 2000.33Kippenberger, MartinHotel-Hotel199248
AB 2001.12Kippenberger, MartinFred the frog199153
AB 2008.63Kippenberger, MartinThe Bermuda Triangle, Syros, Paris Bar, and Dawson City2005123
AB 2011.48Kippenberger, Martin241 Bildtitel zum Ausleihen für Künstler198648
AB 2012.18Kippenberger, MartinDer Eiermann und seine Ausleger199748
AB 2012.128Kippenberger, MartinVirtuosen vor dem Berg1991169
AB 2012.133Kippenberger, MartinSchwarz Brot Gold1990169
AB 2015.52Kitaj, R. B.A Coney Island of the mind2005196
AB 2012.123Kline, Debby & LarryMy dinner with the Klines2012181
AB 2014.61Kline, Debby & LarryCause and effect2014181
AB 2004.79Kling, Wendell M."Dictionary"200285
AB 2012.31Klintberg, Bengt afThe cursive Scandinavian salve1967176
AB 2011.22Klossowski, Pierre & Pierre ZucaLebendes Geld2005136
AB 2001.39Knifer, JulijeFriedrich Holderlin: Der Rhein198454
AB 2000.30Knoebel, ImiImi Knoebel: Rijksmuseum Kröller-Müller, Otterlo, 13.4-2.6 1985198536
AB 2001.8Knowles, AlisonFootnotes200044
AB 2015.72Knowles, AlisonBy Alison Knowles196544
AB 2007.84Koch, Andreas[on the occasion of the exhibition "Servus"]2007130
AB 2003.91Koch, RudolfSchriftgiesserei im...193671
AB 2002.39Köhler, StephanMexico 2000125Oversized
AB 2019.29Kosta, AngelaOrigins2012214
AB 2001.33Kosuth, JosephTwo Oxford reading rooms199454
AB 2019.10Kosuth, JosephLetters from Wittgenstein, abridged in Ghent199254
RSM K88 jaKounellis, JannisJannis Kounellis1981
AB 1999.30Kozlowski, JaroslawLesson197525Not found; same as 2001.32?
AB 2001.32Kozlowski, JaroslawLesson197534
AB 2002.72Krims, LesMaking chicken soup197263
AB 2003.40Kruger, BarbaraPicture/Readings197866
AB 2003.42Kruger, BarbaraLove for sale…199066
AB 2003.46Kruger, BarbaraMy pretty pony1988115Oversized
AB 2009.49Kruger, BarbaraMy pretty pony (trade edition)1989115
RSM K94 noKruger, BarbaraNo progress in pleasure1982
AB 2008.27Kuball, MischaSix-pack-six1997132
AB 2002.5Kuch, MichaelSéance for a minyan200163
AB 2003.92Kuch, MichaelFalling to earth200272
AB 2005.32Kuch, MichaelA sphinx's field guide to questionable answers200492
AB 2011.7Kuch, MichaelAn alliterative abecedarium of anthropomorphic animals2010163
AB 2011.24Kuch, MichaelWaterlines2009166
AB 2013.69Kuch, MichaelThe little river (by Margaret Wise Brown)2013186
AB 2014.7Kühne, David3,1750201252
AB 2014.8Kühne, DavidIntervall201249
AB 2014.9Kühne, DavidNr. 1 - Nr. 24201349
AB 2014.10Kühne, David1qm Fußboden201252
AB 2014.11Kühne, DavidRien ne va plus201252
AB 1996.8Kunc, KarenMexican gothic19934
AB 2004.70Kunc, KarenField trip20024
AB 2004.89Kupferberg, TuliBirth195985
AB 2014.12Kürten, SarahIntermission: a charade in two short acts20127
AB 2014.13Kürten, SarahPleasure ground - pleasureground201349
AB 2015.66La Fresnaye, Roger dePaludes by André Gide1921196
AB 2010.77Labovitz, AnneColor train201065
AB 2020.4Lacy, SuzanneTravels with Mona197821
AB 2020.6Lacy, SuzanneThree love stories197821
AB 2000.27Laden-Hardt, RueIn the garden199948
AB 2014.80Lambert, YvonActualité d'un bilan19721892 copies
AB 2007.58Lange, Clemens-TobiasOhne Wolken200650
AB 2020.10Lanzoni, KarinHow painting works2016212
AB 2020.11Lanzoni, KarinFlorae2019212
AB 2009.21Lapuks, MichaelRasant 99/00200279
AB 2009.22Lapuks, MichaelBogdan Hoffmann-Michael Lapuks199268
AB 2009.23Lapuks, Michael18 graphische Arbeiten von 13 Künstlern aus Bremen 199268
AB 2009.24Lapuks, MichaelDiary 1993-1994199679
AB 2009.25Lapuks, MichaelMichael Lapuks Juni-July 1995199679
AB 2009.26Lapuks, MichaelMichael Lapuks199579
AB 2001.66Larned, Emily K.Syntax machine200156
AB 2000.8Lavater, WarjaBâton rond et bouffon nommé virgule198235
AB 2000.11Lavater, WarjaRose und der laubfrosch197835
AB 2023.12Lavater, WarjaWilliam Tell1965226
AB 2001.19Lax, RobertCloning for yellow198453
AB 1998.8Le Brocquy, LouisThe Playboy of the Western World197016
AB 2008.76Leccia, AngeArrangement1992143
RSM L473 doLederman, Stephanie BrodyDomestic screams1984
AB 2008.119Lee, JimAll-star Batman & Robin, the Boy Wonder, vol. 1200859
AB 2008.120Lee, JimAbsolute Batman Hush2005171
AB 2008.135Lee, JimGelatometti sketchbook200662
AB 2008.142Lee, best of the blog200762
AB 2001.14Legge, WillowGnat and the lion198253
AB CAT 11Lemmens, AlbertImprint: Russian artist-publishers20083
AB 2010.5Lempert, JochenPhysiognomische Versuche2002132
AB 2000.10Lévêque, ClaudeFantaisies199944
AB 2022.9Levine, JackFacing East1970222
RSM L665 fiLevine, LesFive ohhh disposable sculptures1977
RSM L665 I amLevine, LesI am not blind…1976
RSM L665 meLevine, LesMedia: the bio-tech…1979
RSM L665 usLevine, LesUsing the camera as a…1976
AB 2017.103Levitt, Ellen DornGameboard/symmetries201712
AB 2005.68LeWitt, SolPhotoGrids1978972 copies
AB 2007.74LeWitt, SolThe location of lines1974128
AB 2007.75LeWitt, SolFour basic kinds of lines & colour1971128
AB 2009.48LeWitt, SolArcs, circles & grids1972128
AB 2010.43LeWitt, SolIncomplete open cubes1974128
AB 2011.50LeWitt, SolPiramidi1986173edition of 400
AB 2011.60LeWitt, SolLines in two directions and in five colors on five colors with all their combinations1988128
AB 2011.62LeWitt, SolFour colors and all their combinations1987128
AB 2011.63LeWitt, SolBands of color1999128
AB 2011.71LeWitt, SolChicago2002128
AB 2011.80LeWitt, SolCock fight dance1980128
AB 2011.81LeWitt, SolVariations on I am still alive on Kawara1988128
AB 2011.83LeWitt, SolIrish1997128
AB 2011.84LeWitt, SolWall drawings: seventeen squares of eight feet with sixteen lines and one arc1973128
AB 2011.86LeWitt, SolBlack gouaches1992167
AB 2011.90LeWitt, SolFlat and glossy black1998128
AB 2011.91LeWitt, SolLines & formes1989173
AB 2011.92LeWitt, Sol49 three-part variations using three different kinds of cubes1969128
AB 2011.93LeWitt, SolCube1990128
AB 2011.101LeWitt, SolTilted forms: walldrawings1987128
AB 2012.78LeWitt, SolOpenings series1994173
AB 2012.80LeWitt, SolVenti forme derivate da un cubo1982173
AB 2012.81LeWitt, SolSix geometric figures and all their double combinations1980173
AB 2012.97LeWitt, SolThe location of straight, not-straight & broken lines and all their combinations1976173
AB 2012.99LeWitt, Sol100 cubes1996173
AB 2012.101LeWitt, SolWall drawings & structures1974180
AB 2013.46LeWitt, SolSix wall drawings, arcs with straight lines, not-straight lines and broken lines1973173
AB 2013.49LeWitt, SolFive geometric structures and their combinations1979173
AB 2013.50LeWitt, SolPosizione di tre figure geometriche = Location of three geometric figures: three wall drawings1974173
AB 2013.51LeWitt, SolAutobiography1980173
AB 2013.55LeWitt, SolLocation of three geometric figures 1974180
AB 2013.70LeWitt, SolFour basic kinds of straight lines1969128
AB 2013.71LeWitt, SolRed, blue and yellow lines from sides, corners and the center of the page to points on a grid1975173
AB 2014.1LeWitt, SolLignes en quatre directions et toutes leurs combinaisons1983173
AB 2014.52LeWitt, SolWall drawings at Sydney and Melbourne1977173
AB 2014.75LeWitt, SolSol LeWitt, Chagny198497
AB 2015.55LeWitt, SolSol Lewitt: Ace/Los Angeles1968173
AB 2015.56LeWitt, SolDiciassette quadrati con sedici linee ed un arco1974173
AB 2015.57LeWitt, SolFive structures1976173
AB 2015.58LeWitt, SolWork completed 19691974180
AB 2015.59LeWitt, SolSerial project #1, 19661967173
AB 2016.4LeWitt, SolPyramiden1986173
AB 2016.63LeWitt, SolDouble page, number 1, January 19761976167
AB 2016.64LeWitt, SolThree structures, 1978-19801981167
AB 2016.65LeWitt, SolPiramidi1986173edition of 150
AB 2018.106LeWitt, SolCercles & lignes1973173
AB 2019.1LeWitt, SolBrushstrokes: horizontal and vertical1996167
AB 2019.21LeWitt, SolSol LeWitt (Galleria Bonomo)1973173
AB 2020.35LeWitt, SolA project (Artforum)1981173
AB 2020.38LeWitt, SolFour basic kinds of lines & colour2019128
AB 2020.40LeWitt, SolEcho1993128
AB 2021.1LeWitt, SolIncomplete open cubes1975Art & Project box
AB 2021.2LeWitt, SolLines and combinations of lines1970Art & Project box
AB 2021.3LeWitt, SolTen thousand lines: six thousand two hundred and fifty-five lines1971Art & Project box
AB 2021.4LeWitt, SolProposal for Art & Project1971Art & Project box
AB 2021.5LeWitt, SolLines & lines, arcs & arcs, & lines & arcs1972Art & Project box
AB 2021.6LeWitt, SolVier muurtekeningen=Quatre dessins muraux1973Art & Project box
AB 2021.7LeWitt, SolGeometric forms in black and white and color1982128
AB 2021.8LeWitt, SolI am still alive, On Kawara1970167
AB 2021.10LeWitt, SolSol LeWitt 1997199882
AB 2021.11LeWitt, SolGekippte Formen1987173
RSM L677 alLeWitt, SolAll four part combinations …1980Oversized
RSM L677 arLeWitt, SolArcs and lines…1974
RSM L677 brLeWitt, SolBrick wall1977
RSM L677 coLeWitt, SolColor grids1977
RSM L677 fiLeWitt, SolFive cubes on twenty-five…1978
RSM L677 foLeWitt, SolFour basic kinds of lines..1971
RSM L677 frLeWitt, SolFrom Monteluco to Spoleto1984
RSM L677 geLeWitt, SolGeometric figures & color1979
RSM L677 gfLeWitt, SolGeometric figures within …1976
RSM L677 grLeWitt, SolGraphik 1970-19751975
RSM L677 griLeWitt, SolGrids1975
RSM L677 isLeWitt, SolIsometric drawings1982
RSM L677 LLeWitt, SolLocation of eight points1974
RSM L677 liLeWitt, SolLines & color1975
RSM L677 loLeWitt, SolLocation of lines1974
RSM L677 moLeWitt, SolModular drawings 19761976Folio
RSM L677 phLeWitt, SolPhotogrids1978
RSM L677 scLeWitt, SolSchematic drawings for Muybridge…1970Oversized
RSM L677 soLeWitt, SolSol Lewitt: Museum of Modern Art, February 3-April 4, 19781978
RSM L677 sqLeWitt, SolSquares with sides and …1977
RSM L677 suLeWitt, SolSunrise & sunset at Praiano1980
RSM L677 waLeWitt, SolWall drawings…1973
AB 2017.20Licari, MarkVector2014194
AB 2017.94Licari, MarkAsteroid to zonked2017194
AB 2017.95Licari, MarkAscend to zzzz2017194
AB 2000.31Lichtenstein, RoyRoy Lichtenstein:...198634
AB 2022.14Liddell, SiobhanYoung girl slipping199895
AB CAT 81Lingen, Rez'Prints & books: artist collaborations with printmaker Ruth Lingen20053
AB 2005.67Linou, Evanthia"I dwell here"2004/572
AB 2022.35Lippard, Lucy955,000: an exhibition197095
AB 2012.113Llanos, FernandoCursiagridulce20069
AB 2003.126Loeper, WiebkeHello from Bloomer200178
AB 2004.85Logan, AndrewEgypt revisited I200272
AB 2011.20Lombrozo, VivianaBetween the linesn.d.151
AB 2008.77Long, Jr., Bert L.Mental asylum1992143
AB 2002.73Long, Mary EllenSite and spirit1992633 copies
AB 2002.74Long, Mary EllenEndangered sp:Bird/Artist199363
AB 2002.75Long, Mary EllenForest echoes1992632 copies
AB 2004.15Long, Mary EllenThe joint book200263
AB 2004.16Long, Mary EllenForest library200063
AB 2004.17Long, Mary EllenBurial1997110Oversized
AB 2006.50Long, Mary EllenSilvers2005108
AB 2006.51Long, Mary EllenWinter Pressings - 2004-05n.d.191
AB 2006.52Long, Mary EllenTres Pinos - 20012001108
AB 2007.30Long, Mary EllenForest rooms20051102 copies
AB 2007.72Long, Mary EllenWalks in the wild: east of Durango, Colorado, south of Missionary Ridge San Juan Mountains1991159
AB 2007.73Long, Mary EllenDetritus2007110
AB 2010.50Long, Mary EllenWinter pressings - 1992-931993191
AB 2013.58Long, Mary EllenThe walk, the wild, the way2012108
AB 2013.66Long, Mary EllenCloud, root, paper2012188
AB 2017.4Long, Mary EllenWinter pressing 2014-15: walking the trail, El Diente2015204
AB 2017.85Long, Mary EllenWinter pressing 2016-172017191
AB 2019.47Long, Mary EllenWinter pressing 2000-192019188
AB 2019.48Long, Mary EllenWinter pressing 2018-192019In its own box
AB 2020.37Long, Mary EllenWinter pressing 2019-20: Tree2020220
AB 2021.12Long, Mary EllenStroke book2021220
AB 2021.21Long, Mary EllenWinter pressing 2017-182018220
AB 2002.22Long, RichardWalk across England1997183
AB 2006.13Long, RichardRichard Long (Inca rock)1974111Oversized, 2 copies
AB 2008.151Long, RichardA hundred stones: one mile between first and last: Cornwall, England, 19771977183
AB 2008.152Long, RichardFrom along a riverbank1971183
AB 2010.69Long, RichardFrom time to time1997183
AB 2012.86Long, RichardLabyrinth1991183
AB 2012.93Long, RichardA sculpture by Richard Long presented by Konrad Fischer1971183
AB 2012.104Long, RichardVan Abbemuseum Eindhoven1979183
AB 2013.12Long, RichardTwo sheepdogs cross in and out of the passing shadows1971183
AB 2013.13Long, RichardTwelve works, 1979-19811981183
AB 2014.63Long, RichardMexico, 19791982183
AB 2014.64Long, RichardRichard Long: Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, 7.12.73-27.1.741973183
AB 2014.65Long, RichardFive, six, pick up sticks1980183
AB 2014.66Long, RichardRichard Long: selected walks 1979-19961999183
AB 2014.67Long, RichardAggie Weston's no. 16 Winter 19791979183
AB 2014.68Long, RichardSouth America, 19722012183
AB 2014.70Long, RichardNo where1994183
AB 2016.61Long, RichardA day's walk past the standing stones of Penwith Peninsula1980183
AB 2018.9Long, RichardLines of time1986183
AB 2018.10Long, RichardCountless stones1983183
AB 2018.111Long, RichardOld world new world1988212
AB 2018.114Long, RichardStone water miles1987183
RSM L848 boLong, RichardBordeaux 19811982Oversized
RSM L848 noLong, RichardNorth Woods1977Oversized
RSM L848 poLong, RichardPostcards 1968-19821983Oversized
RSM L848 riLong, RichardRivers and stones1978Oversized
RSM L848 ricLong, RichardRichard Long: Sydamerika 19721973
RSM L848 toLong, RichardTouchstones1983Oversized
AB 2015.67Lopex, OmarRelámpago: pretend families2014192
AB 2007.62Loubieres, Jean-ClaudeSan Fernando Valley suite200450
AB 2010.78Lovell, Ellen McCullochGone201065
AB 2021.17Lowe, JeanYour place in the multiverse2021199
AB 2008.78Lucier, AlvinResonant things1991143
AB 2020.36Luck, BarbaraHow big is home?2020216
AB 2014.73Luginbühl, BernhardBernhard Luginbühl Plastiken1972180
AB 2000.7Lutz, WinifredMattress factory garden199734Companion to 2000.36
AB 2014.14Maazouz, RachidFive seconds action drawings20137
AB 2012.60Mac Low, JacksonThe twin plays: Port-au-Prince & Adams County Illinois1966176
AB 2001.61MacCallum, MarleneDo not enter199856
AB 2014.88Macchi, JorgeBuenos Aires tour200327
AB 1999.17MacConnel, KimLa Frontera1983253 copies
AB 2016.52MacConnel, KimIdeal boy (Khmer)2015201
AB 2016.53MacConnel, KimIdeal boy (Tajik)2015201
AB 1996.4Macdonald, RitaFam.i.lyn.d.4
AB 1997.6Machacek, JimThe secret of Annunziata's cigar box (Music at midnight)1996187
AB 2006.47Machacek, JimO is for Opera2006107
AB 2007.34Machacek, JimAbout education: an anonymous poem200726
AB 2007.35Machacek, JimUndiscovered symphony, music box number 32007187
AB 2007.36Machacek, JimCarmina Burana, music box number four2007107
AB 2013.57Machacek, JimThe Kincade chronicles2013187
AB 2019.27Machacek, JimTangled up in blue: music box number 72019187
AB 2021.13Machacek, JimAnastasia's Japanese adventure2013107
AB 2010.36Machacek, Jim & Sibyl RubottomGardens of delight2009129
AB 2004.46Maciunas, GeorgeGeorge Maciunas & Fluxuseditionen199282
AB 2011.32Maciunas, GeorgeFlux paper events197682
AB 2018.113MacPhee, JoshSecurity2017143
AB 2021.19MacPhee, JoshWe'll keep the red flag flying here2021219
AB 2008.44Mahn, Ingo Stadtbad: über die Abwesenheit von Wasser1998132
AB 2016.62Malkin, JainSan Miguel de Allende & Guanajuato, May 20152015202
AB 2019.5Maloney, MartinInteguments196948
AB 2020.5Mandel, MikeMyself: time exposures197121
RSM M277 siMangold, RobertSix arcs1978
RSM M278 inMangold, Sylvia PInches and field1978
AB 2008.79ManualForest\Product1991143
AB 2001.60Marc, AntonThread of meaning200055
AB 2005.27Marioni, TomArtists' photographs1981912 copies
AB 1999.3Mark, EnidAfternoon at Les Collettes198836
AB 2024.2Marsh, DarrenWe came from the stars2023191
AB 2010.40Marsh, Mary V.Everyday readers2010139
AB 2024.9Martin, EmilyThe tragedy of King Lear2019
RSM M381 chMartin, KennethChance and order1973
AB 2016.24Martin, NelleExcerpt: p. 262006197
AB 2016.19Mascini, VibekeThe dent of Walter Umenhofer2015176
RSM M431 chMathis, MelissaChanging places…1977
AB 2022.5Matta-Clark, GordonSplitting197479
RSM M435 ciMatta-Clark, GordonCircus: the Caribbean…1978
AB 2001.13McCarney, ScottMemory Loss198846
AB 2001.59McCarney, ScottFar horizons199855
AB 2002.7McCarney, ScottSwimmer199958
AB 2003.102McCarney, ScottState of the Union200375
AB 2016.11McCarthy, MaryTulips201347
AB 2016.12McCarthy, MaryOn our journey sometimes200237
AB 2017.92McCarthy, MaryRose201333
AB 2017.93McCarthy, MaryBeginnings201533
AB 2014.51McCarthy, Mary Mysterious air2008196
AB 2012.91McCarthy, Mary & Shirley VeenemaAl-Mutanabbi Street: artist book project2012101
AB 2013.32McCarty, KimBoys & girls201260
AB 2013.33McCarty, Kim150 watercolors201360
AB 2006.43McFetridge, SusanImmure2004105
AB 2022.19McGee, BarryThe buddy system1999217
AB 2023.1McGraw, DeLossLeft shoe202279
RSM M154 fiMcKeever, IanField series 19781979
RSM M154 ianMcKeever, IanIan McKeever: John Hansard Gallery, the University, Southampton1984
AB 2004.84McMakin, RoyCharming homes for today200385
AB 2004.112McMillan, JerryPicturing Ed: Jerry McMillan's photographs of Ed Ruscha200459
AB 2012.96McMurray, MartinWe shall see, Karl-Friedrich Merten2010163
AB 2006.2McVarish, EmilyS200599
AB 2008.49Meller, IngoÖlfarbe auf Leinwand1996132
AB 2003.53Mertz, AlbertCinema198867
AB 2012.92Merz, MarioTavole con le zampe diventano tavoli1974130
AB 2011.38Messager, AnnetteD'approche1995136
AB 2016.59Messager, AnnetteLa femme et …1975176
AB 2007.42Meyer, ChristophPolitical world2007126
AB 2003.129Meyer, NanneQuer zur Faser199678
AB 2007.90Miller, GaryWrite it right: a little blacklist of literary faultsn.d.130
AB 2007.91Miller, GaryBig Sur detail2001130
AB 2008.5Miller, GaryStates of disrepair: a suite of thirteen photographs2007130
AB 1996.12Miller, KatherineLeaving a mark199612
AB 2003.23Miller, KathrynType74
AB 1998.22Miller, KathyYou reading me199712
AB 1998.23Miller, KathyMysterious messages199712
AB 1998.24Miller, KathyFrame of iron199612
AB 2002.80Miller, KathyArt of ancient peoples199512
AB 2008.3Miller, KathyPersona200012
AB 2008.7Miller, KathyTime on her hands: acrylic on her nails199812
AB 2020.34Miller, Morgan, III2020 COVID-19 self isolation sketch book2020106
AB 2020.42Miller, Morgan, IIIBook number two, 2020, June-August2020106
AB 2021.14Miller, Morgan, IIIBook number three, 2020, September-December2020106
AB 1999.1Miller, WendyEveryday colors199814
AB 2018.51Mills, SusanTwentysix plants201381
AB 2012.110Minard, RobinOutside in200728
AB CAT 100Miniature Book Society2007 miniature book exhibition catalog20073
AB 2002.8Miro, JoanMiro: 1959-1960196158
AB 2003.120Monk, JonathanThe project book project200377
AB 2003.125Monk, JonathanNone of the buildings on the Sunset Strip200278
AB 2004.97Monk, JonathanCover version200486
AB 2007.22Monk, JonathanContinuous project altered daily200678
AB 2012.27Monk, JonathanStudio visit200978
AB 2012.28Monk, JonathanDeflation200933
AB 2012.29Monk, JonathanThe reason why I am here is the reason why I am here200733
AB 2012.34Monk, Jonathan& milk: today is just a copy of yesterday200475
AB 2012.42Monk, JonathanBooooooooooooook201186
AB 2014.15Moore, Michael ShannonEvery house I ever lived in from memory: auto biographies2013157
AB 2002.2Morales, GloriaHere comes the band199958
AB 2010.56Morales-Zamorano, FranciscoEgo1991156
AB 2010.49Morellet, FrançoisLe ballet des beaux-arts1990158
AB 2004.96Morgan, Robert C.A manual for painters198086
AB 2013.16Morris, SimonThe royal road to the unconscious2003169
AB 2008.37Mucha, ReinhardFünfzig Postkarten1997114
AB CAT 10Mullarkey, MaureenGutenberg elegies20092
AB 2019.16Mullins, ColleenOpening day199826
AB 2004.64Munari, BrunoArt theorems200382
AB 2018.108Munari, BrunoPrima del disegno = Before the drawing201782
AB 2018.109Munari, BrunoSaluti e baci = Love and kisses201782
AB 2023.15Munari, BrunoLibro illeggibile N.Y. 11967226
AB 2008.40Münch, HorstSprachgerüst2005132
AB 2001.46Murray, ElizabethNotes for fire and rain198155
RSM M981 noMurray, ElizabethNotes for fire and rain1981
AB 2013.28Myers, RickDrawing with removed subject20136
AB 2019.24Myers, RickObstacle #2: motion duplication20196
AB 2022.26Myers, RickObstacle #79: Memory is current2022223
AB 2007.52Nabokov, VladimirPale fire: a novel1994136
AB 2022.16Nara, YoshitomoSlash with a knife199895
AB 1999.7Nauman, BruceClea rsky196736
AB 2001.81Nauman, BruceFlayed earth/flayed skin1974542 copies
AB 2001.82Nauman, BruceL.A. air197049
AB 2004.55Nauman, BruceMapping the studio II200154
AB 2012.33Nauman, BruceBurning small fires1970s36
AB 2012.76Nauman, BrucePictures of sculpture in a room196636
AB 2001.35Naylor, ColinBook of the Sphinx197454
AB 2010.3Nettles, BeaSeasonal turns: four accordian books199865
AB 2021.16Neudörfl, ElisabethOut in the streets2021211
AB 2010.19Newman, ChrisGodded2001132
AB 2002.66Nicolai, OlafLandschaft...n.d.62
AB 2016.48Nicolai, Olaf30 Farben2000198
AB 2016.49Nicolai, OlafPour finir encore2008198
AB 2016.9Noble, MargaretRecords of intimacy2016197
AB 2010.13Noble, PaulIntroduction to Nobson Newtown1998132
AB 2008.92Noël, MartinNew York - between orange and yellow1999132
RSM N812 boNonas, RichardBoiling coffee1980
AB 1997.3Nordman, MariaDe Musica199322
AB 2011.35Nordman, MariaNote 1973-1984198422
AB 1998.3Nossan, StevenSpiral bound199772 copies
AB 2020.17Oatman, ChristineStories of innocence and experience: altered mid-20th century children's books in pedagogic tableaux201936
AB 2013.17O'Brian, JohnMore Los Angeles apartments1998171
RSM O16 azOckerse, ThomasA-Z book196946Folio
AB 2008.60O'Doherty, BrianRope drawings by Patrick Ireland: an exhibition1977114
AB 2005.38Oldenburg, ClaesImages a la carte200494
AB 2005.44Oldenburg, ClaesNotes in hand197177
AB 2012.62Oldenburg, ClaesInjun & other histories (1960)1966176
AB 2018.30Oldenburg, ClaesStore days196751
AB 2002.49Olson, LisaEnamored of distance200261
AB 2005.28Olson, LisaZephyr wind brick and mortar200361
AB 2007.17Olson, LisaLittle drop of shadow200761
AB 2005.65O'Mara, MichaelWhispers200597
AB 2004.74Ono, YōkoHomage to Nora199283
AB 2004.75Ono, Yōko"Spare room"200383
AB 2004.76Ono, YōkoGrapefruit: a book of instructions + drawings200083
AB 2005.60Ono, YōkoOdyssey of a cockroach200383
AB 2010.33Ono, YōkoYoko Ono--one woman show1972114
AB 2015.64Ono, YōkoPennyviews1995190
RSM O59 acOntani, Luigi[Acervus]19782 copies
AB 2012.126Opie, JulianDaniel yes, Christine no19996
AB 2001.15Oppenheim, DennisFlower arrangement...197053
AB 2010.1Oring, CherylThe birthday project2008158
AB 2008.46Oroschakoff, Haralampi G.Die Akte Odessa1997132
AB 2011.95Orosz, IstvánEtchings and posters2000169
AB 2005.71Ossorio, AlfonsoCould I ask you something198498
AB 2014.16Osterried, DominicBilder 1201016
AB 2014.17Osterried, DominicBilder 2201016
AB 2014.18Osterried, DominicBilder 3201016
AB 2003.113Oursler, TonyPoetics199777
AB 2008.14Paas, JürgenIndex2006132
AB 2011.44Pacovská, KvětaUnfold enfold2004136
AB 2005.7Padgett, RonYodeling into a Kotex200289
AB CAT 19Padín, ClementeWord, action and risk20103
AB 2007.53PageHomage to the [square]197325
AB 2001.76Paik, Nam JunePaik-Abe1971139
AB 2012.64Paolini, GiulioStädtisches Museum Mönchengladbach197799
AB 2012.130Parr, MartinThe protest box2010185
AB 2020.16Paschkis, JulieIdyll VII: a fragment2019218
AB 2005.52Past, AmbarIncantations by Mayan women200595
AB 2003.26Patterson, PatriciaTwo for the road2003653 copies
AB 2016.6Patterson, PatriciaBed ground dog table199165
RSM P361 joPearson, JohnJohn Pearson works…1976Oversized
AB 2007.21Penck, A. R.Je suis un livre achete-moi maintenant19814
AB 2019.13Penck, A.R. Standart, 1971-731985110
AB 2018.53Perez, ElianaThe past is cold2017In its own box
AB 2024.6Perez, ElianaHouse of ghosts2024227
AB 2006.30Perjovschi, DanHuman natural disasters200599
RSM P451 waPerkis, PhilipWarwick Mountain series1978
AB CAT 51Perree, RobCover to cover: the artist's book in perspective20023
AB 2019.35Peterson, MadeleineEfflorescence2019184
AB 2011.18Petre, HelenArt eventn.d.136
AB 2008.11Pettibon, RaymondScream at the librarian: sketches of our patrons in Downtown Los Angeles2007131
AB 2006.23Peyton, ElizabethTony sleeping200099
AB 2007.12Peyton, ElizabethPrince Eagle200199
AB CAT 6Phillpot, CliveFluxus19881
AB 1996.13Picasso, PabloLysistrata193416
AB 2004.100Pichler, MichalisNY Times flag profile2002157
AB 2009.66Pichler, MichalisSechsundzwanzig Autobahn Flaggen20061572 copies
AB 2009.69Pichler, MichalisUn coup de dés jamais n'abolira le hasard: sculpture20081572 copies
AB 2009.70Pichler, MichalisWorking drawings and other visible things on paper not necessarily meant to be viewed2008157
AB 2009.71Pichler, MichalisTwentysix gasoline stations20091572 copies
AB 2012.8Pichler, MichalisSix hands and a cheese sandwich2011157
AB 2012.10Pichler, MichalisSome fallen umbrellas and something else2008157
AB 2018.110Pichler, MichalisThe ego and its own20151572 copies
AB 2018.122Pichler, MichalisNew York garbage flag profile2005225
AB 2019.22Pichler, MichalisEvery building on the Ginza Strip2018157
AB 2022.38Pichler, MichalisUne seconde d'eternité2016157
AB 2022.41Pichler, MichalisMonsanto Company earnings call transcript2010157
AB 2022.45Pichler, MichalisThe work of art in the age of its digital reproducibility: #twitterversion2022157
AB 2022.47Pichler, MichalisA two three four five2015157
AB 2022.48Pichler, MichalisBoys! Männer!2013157
AB 2022.49Pichler, MichalisSome more sonnet(s) : 20092011157
AB 2022.50Pichler, MichalisSome more sonnet(s)2019157
AB 2022.53Pichler, MichalisHearts2008225
AB 2022.55Pichler, Michalis555 Schnapspresse sonnets, folded, stapled and sold in chunks of 252014157
AB 2022.56Pichler, MichalisTwentysix gasoline stations (self-published)2009157
AB 2022.57Pichler, MichalisCharles Baudelaire: J'ai le mouvement qui déplace les lignes2014225
AB 2022.58Pichler, MichalisFloribundarosen2014225
AB 2010.9Pierson, JackSing a song of sixpence1997132
AB 2002.63Piller, Peter3 Hefte200162
AB 2018.105Pistoletto, MichelangeloL'uomo nero, il lato insopportabile197071
AB 2009.38Platen, Eva von20 Jahre kurz filmen200994
AB 2009.39Platen, Eva vonScheins und Wirklichkeits200094
AB 2004.102Polke, SigmarDaphne2004112
AB 2007.70Polke, SigmarStenoblock 19701990112
AB 1997.16Pollock, JacksonSketchbooks in the Metropolitan Museum of Art199739
RSM P892 luPozzi, LucioLucio Pozzi1982
AB 2001.43Prechtl, Michael MathiasPaul Hindemith: Johann.197954
AB 1997.2Price, KenHeat wave1995In its own box, 2 c.Oversized
AB 2008.109Price, KennethThe plain of smokes: a poem circle198142Oversized
AB 2005.8Prince, RichardWomen 200490
AB 2005.9Prince, RichardMan 200490
AB 2007.85Prince, RichardLynn Valley2006130
AB 2008.94Prince, Richard4 x 4199990
AB 2011.56Prince, RichardAmerican prayer2011169
RSM P956 inPrince, RichardInside world1989Oversized
AB 2015.8Prioux, ClaraNineteen potted palms201032
AB 1995.1Prochazka, OldaMahler, poems & etch..19941
AB 2007.57Putnam, WallaceSea bird saga1966125
AB 2008.133RafskinnaRafskinna 1. Tőlublađ-Issue 1 Fiskur-Fish200761
AB 2006.44Rathman, DavidPictures of the Crucifixion1995105
AB 2001.56Rauch, NeoNeo Rauch200055
AB 2000.25Rauschenberg, RobertCardbirds197148
AB 2004.67Reed, LouEmotion in action200382
AB 2016.56Reese, Harry33 1/3: off the record2014197
RSM R370 arReinhardt, AdArt comics and satires197646Oversized
AB 2018.14Ren, JosephineChanging face, saving face2017156
AB 1992.1Renner, JamesMouse and the woman19886
AB 2016.25Renner, JamesAn outline of reparation200668
AB 2004.11Rennó, RosângelaPensamientos de la frontera199784
RSM R444 liRenouf, EddaLines and non-lines19772 copies
AB 1999.26Reyes, PedroInstrumentn.d.29
AB 2004.53Rhodes, ZandraDiving for pearls in San Diego200482
AB 2018.121Ribas, JoãoFAX200979
AB 2010.65Richter, GerhardSils200953
AB 2004.12Righi, FrancoisMalcolm Lowry under the volcano200284
AB 2008.125Rigo 23Vol. 1, Peões e passadeiras: jam sessions, Rigo 84-232006139
AB 2008.126Rigo 23Backtracking 1994852008151
AB 1997.1Ringgold, FaithSeven passages to a flight199523
AB 2005.73Rinne, FredEight plants from San Francisco200599
AB 2019.25Rinne, FredBehind the wall of vinyl sleep2019188
AB 2018.115Roberts, RichardPractice makes printmakers: a manifesto201765
AB 2023.9Robinson, Sue AnnQuercus psalter1994226
AB 2008.1Rodriguez, AlIceland poppies200089
AB 2008.2Rodriguez, Al35mm film cannister pinhole camera images200189
AB 2008.4Rodriguez, AlSepia: photographs from the eastern shore of Lake Tahoe, near Sand Harbor200089
AB 2008.6Rodriguez, AlBridges from my kayak, 1993-1997200089
AB 2005.19Rodriquez, AlWinter solstice 1200289
AB 2014.81Rojo, VicenteBosque y fondo2011180
AB 1993.3Romero, DerliPaper of live flesh19902
AB 1999.29Romero, DerliSymbolic skinn.d.30
AB 2000.20Romero, DerliFour: a collection ...1996302 copies
AB 2001.55Romero, DerliDextra/Sinistra200146
AB 2007.14Romero, DerliLa Forma del Torro2006113
AB 2017.1Romero, DerliEl juego del reflejo201746
AB 2017.61Romero, DerliMujer: génesis del universo = Woman: genesis of the universe2017181
AB 2019.49Romero, DerliLa invención de la fauna2017216
AB 2022.11Romero, DerliTragafuego=Fire-eater202046
AB 2000.2Romero, PepeJourney of the guitar199934
AB 2010.27Roob, AlexanderOur artist2006132
AB 2007.61Roquin, LouisCent pour cent199850
RSM R790 selRosbotham, LyleSelection of photographs…1980
AB 2000.15Rosenbluth, SaraShe put her nose...199944
AB 2005.35Rosenbluth, SaraFavorite herbs200327
AB 2011.19Rosenbluth, SaraWithin this house2010165
RSM R815 drRosenquist, JamesDrawings while waiting…1979
AB 2007.13Rosler, MarthaMartha Rosler: Passionate Signals2005102
AB 2015.14Rosler, MarthaService: a trilogy on colonization2008102
AB 2015.85Rosler, MarthaPositions in the life world1998102
RSM R821 3Rosler, Martha3 works1981
AB 1999.5Ross, JohnVenice: saved from the sea199511
AB 1999.6Ross, JohnFrom Rome to Venice199611
RSM R823 suRoss, JohnSubstance of light1976
AB 2006.21Roth, DieterPiccadilly Postcard Puzzle2005162
AB 2008.32Roth, DieterVideobriefe (1988/89)2007162
AB 2008.68Roth, DieterAus der Heimat unter den blitzen Rot…1984162
AB 2009.19Roth, DieterBücher1974162
AB 2010.58Roth, DieterUr-Tränenmeer2010164
AB 2010.70Roth, DieterThe Piccadillies2005162
AB 2011.37Roth, DieterBücher und Grafik (1. Teil): aus den Jahren 1947 bis 19711972162
AB 2012.56Roth, DieterA look into the blue tide: part 21967162
AB 2018.7Roth, DieterBook aa1959In its own box
AB 2018.22Roth, DieterMundunculum1967162
AB 2018.29Roth, DieterDie blaue Flut1967164
AB 2018.48Roth, Dieter246 little clouds1968164
AB 2019.12Roth, DieterLadenhüter1983162
AB CAT 64Roth, DieterWüsten Sie schon, dass alles Gedruckte gut ist?19922
AB 2011.79Roth, Dieter & Richard HamiltonThe Rotham certificates1977162
AB 2012.15Rothenberg, JeromePoland 1931197077
AB 2012.26Rothenberg, JeromeA poem of beavers: Seneca journal 1197333
AB 2012.23Rothenberg, Jerome & Ian TysonThe 17 horse songs of Frank Mitchell, nos. X-XIII196949
AB 2005.47Rothenburg, JeromeRitual1966176
AB 1996.2Rowe, SandraSnake19914
AB 1996.11Rubottom, SibylLight appears in diverse1996120Oversized
AB 1998.1Rubottom, SibylFirst quarter199731
AB 1999.24Rubottom, SibylBeekeeper's daughter199931
AB 2001.3Rubottom, SibylNew rule200031
AB 2002.29Rubottom, SibylCosmic sidereal...200131
AB 2003.89Rubottom, SibylAlphabet of time200270
AB 2004.82Rubottom, SibylSpice market: an alphabetical melange of spice200431
AB 2004.88Rubottom, SibylThe water book: La Jolla cove2002122Oversized
AB 2005.22Rubottom, SibylOregon clouds200493
AB 2007.16Rubottom, SibylABC of Yiddish200631
AB 2007.68Rubottom, SibylThe Sibyls2006129
AB 2008.8Rubottom, SibylEngineer's rosary200631
AB 2008.9Rubottom, SibylGinko prints200589A
AB 2008.10Rubottom, SibylTen elephants200431
AB 2010.51Rubottom, SibylIt all adds up: celebrating twenty years of exhibitions2010163
AB 2012.20Rubottom, SibylThe water book: lanes of thought2010177Oversized
AB 2014.72Rubottom, SibylThe water book: cenotes2013180Oversized
AB 2018.103Rubottom,SibylUppercase font catalog: Athenaeum Rotunda Press201831
AB 2019.28Rubottom,SibylMoon2019180
AB 2021.23Rubottom,SibylABC of Covid2021180
AB 2022.36Rubottom,SibylFont catalog, volume II202231
AB 2004.86Ruckriem, Ulrich64 Quadrate200185
AB 2006.18Ruff, ThomasJPEG NY032005132
AB 2022.22Ruin (Reuland),ErikTo those born after2021221
AB 1999.23Ruppersberg, AllenSecret of life and death1985153
AB 2003.140Ruppersberg, Allen24 pieces1970153
AB 2003.141Ruppersberg, AllenAl's grand hotel1971153
AB 2003.142Ruppersberg, Allen23 piecesn.d.153
AB 2005.12Ruppersberg, AllenLetter to a friend1998153
AB 2006.27Ruppersberg, AllenOne of many--origins and variants2006153
AB 2008.66Ruppersberg, AllenThe new five-foot shelf of books: memoir-novel2003153
AB 2008.67Ruppersberg, AllenWestern Allen Ruppersberg: a different kind of never-never land1992153
AB 2008.80Ruppersberg, AllenAllen Ruppersberg. October 5-November 25, 19731973153
AB 2008.93Ruppersberg, AllenWhere's Al?1996153
AB 2009.41Ruppersberg, AllenGreetings from L.A.: a novel197?153
AB 2009.42Ruppersberg, AllenA tourguide to the Best of all possible worlds1997153
AB 2009.43Ruppersberg, Allen23, 24 & 25 pieces2000153
AB 2010.52Ruppersberg, AllenYou and me or the art of give and take2009161
AB 2011.15Ruppersberg, AllenThe singing posters2005161
AB 2011.16Ruppersberg, AllenThe circus express2001161
AB 2011.17Ruppersberg, AllenChapter VI2009161
AB 2015.40Ruppersberg, AllenThe novel that writes itself2014191
AB 2018.88Ruppersberg, AllenIntellectual property 1968-20182018161
AB 2018.93Ruppersberg, AllenAllen Ruppersberg sourcebook2014153
AB 2008.128RúríEndangered waters200862
AB 1999.40Ruscha, EdwardNote cards & envelopes1999141
AB 2001.18Ruscha, EdwardGuacamole airlines1980140
AB 2001.30Ruscha, EdwardIn a building by Frank..1969141
AB 2002.10Ruscha, EdwardRoyal road test19801402 copies
AB 2002.54Ruscha, EdwardEdward Ruscha stains1992141
AB 2002.78Ruscha, EdwardRecords1971141
AB 2003.28Ruscha, EdwardCityscapes / O Books19971412 copies
AB 2003.29Ruscha, EdwardS Books2001141
AB 2003.134Ruscha, EdwardColored people19721412 copies
AB 2003.136Ruscha, EdwardThey called her Styrene20001402 copies
AB 2004.24Ruscha, EdwardBabycakes with weights1970141
AB 2004.109Ruscha, EdwardMountains and portraits2000141
AB 2005.55Ruscha, EdwardBusiness cards1968140
AB 2005.59Ruscha, EdwardCourse of empire20051402 copies
AB 2005.66Ruscha, EdwardThen & now: Hollywood Blvd. 1973-20042005141Oversized
AB 2008.19Ruscha, EdwardTwentysix gasoline stations1967141
AB 2008.20Ruscha, EdwardThirtyfour parking lots in Los Angeles 19741412 copies
AB 2008.21Ruscha, EdwardA few palm trees1971141
AB 2008.89Ruscha, EdwardBeyond Hell1992140
AB 2008.113Ruscha, EdwardMe - The2002141
AB 2009.1Ruscha, EdwardDutch details1971141
AB 2012.77Ruscha, EdwardOn the road2009In its own boxOversized
AB 2017.57Ruscha, EdwardMetro mattresses2015141, 2262 copies
AB 2019.6Ruscha, EdwardDouble Americanisms2018141, 2262 copies
AB 2023.4Ruscha, EdwardEdward Ruscha (Ed-werd Rew-shay) young artist1972226
AB CAT 40Ruscha, EdwardEdward Ruscha: prints and publications 1962-7419752
RSM R892 crRuscha, EdwardCrackers1969
RSM R892 evRuscha, EdwardEvery building on the Sunset Strip1966
RSM R892 feRuscha, EdwardFew palm trees1971
RSM R892 haRuscha, EdwardHard light1978
RSM R892 ni Ruscha, EdwardNine swimming pools…1968
RSM R892 reRuscha, EdwardReal estate opportunities1970
RSM R892 soRuscha, EdwardSome Los Angeles apartments1970
RSM R892 thRuscha, EdwardThirtyfour parking lots…1967
RSM R892 twRuscha, EdwardTwentysix gasoline stations…1963
RSM R892 vaRuscha, EdwardVarious small fires…1964
AB 2012.55Russolo, LuigiThe art of noise (futurist manifesto, 1913)1967176
AB 2005.4Rutault, Claudebibliographie 1998199889
AB 2004.65Ryman, RobertRobert Ryman: new paintings199382
AB 2004.13Sahak, Judy HarveyDorothy Drake & the Scripps College Press199281
AB 2012.30Saint Loubert Bié, JérômeBooks on books201142
AB 2001.17Saint Phalle, Niki deNiki de Saint-Phalle197961
AB 2001.75Saint Phalle, Niki deMeany meany198961
AB 2002.70Saint Phalle, Niki deAIDS: you can't catch...198761
AB 2003.22Saint Phalle, Niki deTarot garden199761
AB 2005.25Saint Phalle, Niki deThe Noah's ark sculpture park Jerusalemn.d.61
AB 2011.52Saint Phalle, Niki deThe wounded animals198861
AB 2012.85Saint-Phalle, Niki deRéalisations, & projets d'architectures197461
AB 2019.15Saint-Phalle, Niki deTraces: an autobiography: remembering 1930-1949199978
AB 2020.26Saint-Phalle, Niki deMy love1971218
AB 2020.27Saint-Phalle, Niki deThe devouring mothers: story book201420
AB 2020.28Saint-Phalle, Niki deNiki de Saint Phalle2014218
AB 2020.30Saint-Phalle, Niki deGods1991218
AB 2020.31Saint-Phalle, Niki deTarot cards in sculpture1985218
AB 2024.11Saint-Phalle, Niki deNiki Nanas Iolas Gallery Saint Phalle1966
AB 2010.8Sal, JackWire/works2001132
AB 2003.132Sala, Anri"A thousand windows"…200378
AB 2003.60Samaras, LucasLucas Samaras: Kiss...199668
AB 2022.40San Diego Book ArtsBookwords: a collaboration on the theme of the book2002211
AB CAT 8San Diego Book ArtsEdge to edge20102
AB 2014.3San Martin, Maria VeronicaMemory and landscape: unveiling the historic truths of Chile2013178
AB 2015.17Sandback, Fred16 Variationen von 2 diagonalen Linien2014131
RSM S213 teSandback, FredTen isometric drawings…1977
AB 1997.12Santonastasio, MagdaKo-Koi Noanama199115
AB 2004.45Santoro, VittorioIt's all in your mind200381
AB 2013.6Sasaki, MakotoHeartbeat drawing201318
AB 2008.31Sauer, MichelKamel & Fisch: a radio playn.d.132
AB 1995.4Saunders, CarlaJenner199423
AB 2001.68Saunders, CarlaZellig200023
AB 2003.24Sayer, ChloëThe Mexican day of the dead: an anthology199065
AB 2005.56Scanga, BillAliens and kitties199995
AB 2005.57Scanga, BillKitties and aliens199995
AB 2002.30Scanga, ItaloRestoring, repairing199060
AB 2012.117Scanga, ItaloContainers, smells & drawings197360
AB 2018.50Scarlett, LibbyA 19-2 view201485
AB 2009.18Schäpers, VeronikaJack and Betty forever200553
AB 2018.102Schäpers, VeronikaWhite verbs2017198
AB 2003.2Schapiro, MiriamRondo...198965
AB 2010.15Schappert, RolandAmerica2005132
AB 2008.28Schattauer, Noraca-hu-chu1998132
AB 2009.20Schattauer, NoraWasser?200868
RSM S443 siSchley, VanSigns1972
AB 2021.24Schmit, TomasKatalog 1-42021217
AB 2023.29Schneemann, CaroleeCezanne, she was a great painter: the second book January 19751975226
AB 2024.10Schneemann, CaroleeParts of a body house book2020
AB 2008.18Schneider, GregorGregor Schneider: 7-8:30 pm, 05.31.20072007159
AB 2003.122Schnyder, Jean-FrédéricZugerstrasse, Baarerstrasse2001189
AB 2010.14Schön, Eva-MariaCanaletto (zerlegt)1999132
AB 2023.28Schroeder, Keri Miki-LaniInfluxstructure: a topography of ghosts2018227
AB 2002.3Schumacher, Donna LeighArchitecture199358
AB 2010.79Schumann, PeterHelios201051
AB 2011.53Schumann, PeterTatata2011169
AB 2021.22Schumann, PeterSt. Francis preaches to the birds1978186
AB 2004.58Schütte, ThomasNotes199084
AB 2007.1Schwalb, SusanNocturne2001121
AB 2001.23Schwartzott, CarolBrief history of paper200153
AB 2014.19Schwenk, LivO.T.201336
AB 2010.11Schwenk, MartinTragant, Hahnenfuß, Schraubenpalme, Queller, Knopfkraut, Mantelsamer2005132
AB 2008.16Schwontkowski, NorbertHotel2006132
AB 1993.4Scobey, PatBack of time199233
AB 2017.56Scottgale, EmilyWhat is this world?2017186
AB 2006.45Scripps College PressNous tissons2006192
AB 2008.112Scripps College PressChoix de vivre200859
AB 2009.2Scripps College PressTo one's taste200869
AB 2009.34Scripps College PressWord200978
AB 2010.4Scripps College PressNaked faces200994
AB 2010.42Scripps College PressArch2010156
AB 2011.2Scripps College PressDeluge201033
AB 2011.21Scripps College PressRuminations2011165
AB 2012.25Scripps College PressManuscript201148
AB 2012.79Scripps College PressOut of sorts201248
AB 2013.7Scripps College PressAd libitum201211
AB 2013.37Scripps College PressEmerge2013178
AB 2013.72Scripps College PressRock, paper, book201369
AB 2014.62Scripps College PressGood data, bad data2014186
AB 2015.19Scripps College PressNon sense2014152
AB 2015.62Scripps College PressPower trip2015192
AB 2016.1Scripps College PressFlecks of light2015201
AB 2016.27Scripps College PressAmongst the shelves2016198
AB 2016.79Scripps College PressDivisive and diverse: a U.S. voting story2016165
AB 2018.89Scripps College PressToot toot! A book about fruit201858
AB 2019.2Scripps College PressDear memory201893
AB 2020.9Scripps College PressFrom the heart201927
AB 1998.21Secunda, Arthur16 moments198620
RSM S446 apSecunda, ArthurApres-midi d'une ferme…1978
AB 2022.59Seo, AngelaAngie's pessimism202112
AB 2022.10Serebryakova, DariaLa isla=The island202146
AB 2022.12Serebryakova, DariaCapital provincial a la estampa=Imprint of a provincial capital2022222
RSM S487 inSerra, RichardRichard Serra: Interviews…1980
AB 2008.29Sery C.Julius in Pink1997132
AB 2012.102Sgantas, JudyABC of bugs and plants in a northern garden2012167
RSM S529 unShapiro, DavidUnwritten1977
RSM S534 beShaw, KenBeside yourself…1976
AB 1994.5Shenk, GenieSmall book of dreams1993166
AB 1997.19Shenk, GeniePublic space...199742 copies
AB 1998.16Shenk, GenieFull-blown like Athena1997172
AB 2001.53Shenk, GenieDream logn.d.55
AB 2002.76Shenk, Genief fi fl ff ffi & ffl199455
AB 2003.38Shenk, GenieFont of type199655
AB 2006.56Shenk, GenieDreams 20042005125Oversized
AB 2019.41Shenk, GenieText: texture1994215
AB 2023.17Shenk, GenieThe No-Glitch Paint Company meets the Anything Goes Collage Corp.1986226
AB 2023.24Shenk, GenieCircular1991226
AB 2023.23Shenk, Genie & Jim MachacekLizards1992226
AB 2023.8Shenk, Genie & Stephen SloanVenusians2002226
RSM S553 ciSherman, CindyCindy Sherman1982
RSM S558 ifShminf, HarveyIf you desire one of our employees1977
AB 2003.135Siegelaub, SethMarch 1969196979
AB 2009.65Siegelaub, SethCatalog of the exhibition196997
AB 2015.44Siegl, HelenThe selfish giant1967196
AB 2015.45Siegl, HelenA fable of Bidpai1974196
AB 2015.48Siegl, HelenA new herball: poems of Nancy Willard to block prints1968196
AB 2015.50Siegl, HelenMother Goose: twelve rhymes on broadsides1972192
AB 2020.15Siena, JamesOaths? Questions?2009212
RSM S587 ceSiler, ToddCerebreactors1980
AB 2002.67Silva, ErnestMinde, laengsel, begaer1995622 copies
AB 2004.50Silva, ErnestRecent paintings & sculpture200462
AB 2011.31Simmons, LaurieWater ballet/Family collisions1987151
AB 2001.90Simpson, AliceDance etiquette1999139
AB 2020.8Simpson, Sylvia SalazarSylvia Salazar Simpson1970s199
RSM S613 egSimpson, Sylvia SalazarEggs verbal A/Z1973
AB 2020.33Skaar, AnneliJansen's pastport2020219
AB 2020.24Skoff, GailChimneys of Burano2010218
AB 2020.25Skoff, GailFragments: images from Pompeii, Villa Oplontis, & Villa San Marco2008219
AB CAT 76Sligh, ClarissaThe presence of memory19912
AB 1996.1Sligh, Clarissa T.What's happening...1988190
AB 2003.54Small, DeborahCalifornia mission daze199168
AB 2003.55Small, Deborah1492199168
AB 2017.21Smedley, MelissaEverybody's antenna handbook1998204
AB 2000.19Smith, AlexisAlonen.d.34
AB 2001.84Smith, AlexisPast lives1989139
AB 2010.76Smith, AlexisJane1985139
AB 2010.55Smith, DanaMission miracle mile trilogy2009159
AB 2017.86Smith, Dana F. Dana's tours: Mission Miracle Mile revisited2014-15194
AB 2012.108Smith, Dana F. & Steve MacDonaldSweet call and response2012179
AB 2019.30Smith, JackThe beautiful book2001184
AB 2003.101Smith, Keith A.Reminiscences200381
AB 1998.4Smith, KikiEndocrinology1997212 copies
AB 2001.51Smith, KikiRE199421
AB 2001.70Smith, KikiMadame realism198421
AB 2001.74Smith, KikiTelling tales200121
AB 2002.51Smith, KikiFourth day...21
AB 2003.104Smith, KikiStill lifen.d.76
AB 2003.105Smith, KikiKiki Smith's dowry book199721
AB 2006.24Smith, KikiHomespun tales2005101
AB 2022.60Smith, MimiDear art202212
RSM S671 peSnider, Jenny R.Pencil picture dictionary1973Oversized
RSM S672 peSnitzer, JimPeople, places, & things1977
AB 2003.81Snow, MichaelDigital snow200269
AB 2011.49Snow, MichaelCover to cover 197520
AB 2022.20Snyder, Andrew ScottArkitip issue00222004215
AB 2012.111Soares, ValeskaPuro teatro20036
AB 2000.6Sok, GimhongMagic sword...199934
AB 2019.40Song, HaeinPain memory2019216
AB 2022.37Song, HaeinLight/folds2022223
AB 2011.29Sonneman, EveHow to touch what2000100
RSM S799 reSonneman, EveReal time, 1968-1974197646Folio
AB 1995.10Spector, BuzzPassage199421
AB 1999.37Spector, BuzzBeautiful scenes199834
AB 1999.38Spector, BuzzUnpacking my library199534
AB CAT 36Spector, BuzzBuzz Spector19902
AB 2011.69Spelletich, KalmanWhere's my jetpack!?2011170
AB CAT 68Splettstösser, Peter JörgInternationale Stempelworkshop 198120022
AB 2018.16Spoerri, DanielAn anecdoted topography of chance196625
AB 2019.7Spoerri, DanielTopographie anécdotée* du hasard199025
AB 1996.5Staccioli, MauroSan Diego199622
AB 2011.58Stark, FrancesCollected works200792
AB 2008.90Steinbach, HaimHaim Steinbach [non]2003123
AB 2005.69Steinberg, SaulCanal Street199097
AB 2005.70Steinberg, SaulDal vero198397
AB 2008.110Steinitz, Kate TraumannBilly: ein Künstlerbuch200735
AB 2013.47Steinmetz, Phel & Esther BarathEvidences200228
AB 2013.48Steinmetz, Phel & Esther BarathPeripherals2002In its own box
RSM S923 seSteir, PatSelf portrait: an installation1987
AB 2013.41Stellmach, NataschaThe book of back200744
AB 1991.1Sternberg, HarrySternberg: a life in woodcuts19915
AB 2002.4Sternberg, HarrySternberg: a life in woodcuts19915
AB 2003.83Stockholder, JessicaYour skin in this weather199669
AB 1997.11Stone, BonnieTrue collector199726
AB 2015.63Stoumen, Louis ClydeThe big sleep1986134
AB 2008.121Straus, AustinFigures200769
AB 2008.122Straus, Austin31 [landscapes]200769
AB 2008.123Straus, Austin[30 constructions (+ cover)]200769
AB 2007.69Stuhmiller, RigelThe collected Uncle Bodie, vol. 1200625
AB 2007.79Stuhmiller, RigelThe outcast encyclopedian.d.130
AB 2018.47Summers, RodEnvironmental reactions '78-'03: stage one 1978197838
AB CAT 3Sunday, MargaretShape-shifting19961
AB 2015.12Sutherland, PeterSender201332
AB 2002.17Szczesny, RadekAwareness of a system200259
AB 1993.2Szyszlo, Fernando deArtificio para sobrevivir19922
AB 2013.31Tabuchi, EricTwentysix abandoned gasoline stations200820
AB 2014.4Tacha, AthenaHeredity study I: 1970-7119727
AB 2014.5Tacha, AthenaHeredity study II: 1970-7119727
AB 2015.20Tacha, AthenaLife's layering2005262 copies
AB 2015.21Tacha, AthenaDifferent notions of thriftiness200526
AB 2015.22Tacha, AthenaLittle habits198026
AB 2015.23Tacha, AthenaMy fears1980262 copies
AB 2015.25Tacha, AthenaMy youthful photo-album200126
AB 2015.26Tacha, AthenaMy childhood garden200126
AB 2015.27Tacha, AthenaLittle pleasures1980262 copies
AB 2015.28Tacha, AthenaSeventy-five and counting201226
AB 2015.29Tacha, AthenaMy mother: a psychological portrait197326
AB 2015.30Tacha, AthenaThreescore years and ten201226
AB 2015.31Tacha, AthenaThe way my mind works1973262 copies
AB 2015.82Tacha, AthenaTragic cats1975186
AB 2015.83Tacha, AthenaMy adolescent loves1976186
AB 2015.84Tacha, AthenaThe process of aging1974186
AB 2016.7Tacha, AthenaDifferent notions of cleanliness197226
AB 2019.43Tacha, AthenaBattlefronts at eighty: (the process of aging VI)201526
AB 2019.44Tacha, AthenaDifferent realities200526
AB 2019.45Tacha, AthenaDifferent notions of time200526
AB 2003.94Teeple, DavidCollection of fluidic...n.d.Crated
AB 2005.54Templeton, AlexThe lifehouse method199996
AB 2014.71The, Robert[Book gun]1995181
AB 2000.21Thomas, DonnaSong of creation199952
AB 2002.46Thomas, DonnaWildflowers200252
AB 2002.47Thomas, DonnaLandscapes of the ....200252
AB 1997.9Thomas, PeterPandora's box199752
AB 2001.52Thomas, PeterBrief history of the ukulele199952
AB 2001.54Thomas, PeterPaper from plants199952
AB 2002.37Thomas, PeterLead pencil200252
AB 2002.38Thomas, PeterAccordian to zither200252
AB 2011.88Thompson, JimSouth of heaven201019
AB 2009.53Thomson, MungoThe swordsman200681
AB 2009.54Thomson, MungoEverything has been recorded200081
AB 2009.55Thomson, MungoEinstein no. 1200881
AB 2009.56Thomson, MungoCuenca200481
AB 2009.57Thomson, MungoTodo ha sido grabado200081
AB 2009.58Thomson, MungoEasy field guide to Mungo Thomson200481
AB 2011.25Thomson, MungoThe white album2008193
AB 2008.140Thorkelsdóttir, RúnaHeads and tails of fairy-tales198559
AB 2015.80Timm, JillPrimeval2015191
AB 2016.69Ting, Walasse1 cent life1964202
AB 2012.19Tinguely, JeanMeta197544
AB 2015.81Tonnard, ElisabethTwo of us: encounters2007194
AB 2016.18Tonnard, ElisabethThe library 201510
AB 2022.39Tonnard, ElisabethOne swimming pool2013224
AB 2015.33Toppins, AugustaVarious basalt columns201426
AB 2003.52Toroni, Niele1,2,3,4,5199067
AB 2011.99Tót, EndreBook of an extremely glad artist198124
AB 2011.100Tót, EndreVery special drawings198124
RSM T789 onTremlett, DavidOn the border1979
RSM T789 soTremlett, DavidSome places to visit1974Oversized
AB 1998.20Trockel, RosemarieHerde199724
AB 2002.61Trockel, RosemariePro test200262
AB 2004.47Trockel, RosemarieRosemarie Trockel199362
AB 2008.12Trockel, RosemarieMutter2006132
AB 2010.23Trockel, RosemarieMutter (Special edition)2006132
AB 2012.39Tsong, EdieScattered memory200591
AB 2002.6Turley, SandraOriginal self200158
RSM T945 maTurner, AlanMarked woods1981
AB 2001.34Tuttle, RichardEight words...199054
AB 2003.112Tuttle, RichardI see in France198677
AB 2003.116Tuttle, RichardPoetry of form199277
AB 2003.117Tuttle, RichardBook and cover199377
AB 2003.121Tuttle, RichardRichard Tuttle199778
AB 2003.131Tuttle, RichardReading red199878
AB 2004.20Tuttle, RichardTwo chairs, two benches and a tablen.d.54
AB 2004.81Tuttle, Richard40 Tage1989110Oversized
AB 2005.11Tuttle, RichardPortland works 1976198854
AB 2005.26Tuttle, RichardManifesto200454
AB 2005.34Tuttle, RichardColor as language200492
AB 2005.40Tuttle, RichardCowboy story200254
AB 2005.72Tuttle, RichardHiddenness198798
AB 2011.27Tuttle, RichardI thought I was going on a trip: but I was only going down stairs199777
AB 2011.77Tuttle, RichardRichard Tuttle: Sprengel Museum Hannover199014
AB 2011.78Tuttle, RichardThe Kreutzer Sonata200677
AB 2012.21Tuttle, Richard[Triangle]'s: two pinwheels198558
AB 2013.68Tuttle, RichardThe point from the corner of the room, 1973-74198814
RSM T967 fiTuttle, RichardFive by seven for Yvon…1978
AB 2019.4Twombly, CyThe shepheardes calender by Edmund Spenser198579
AB 1992.2Tyson, IanSeal of approval19893
AB 1992.3Tyson, IanSix gematria19923
AB 1992.4Tyson, IanQuartet19913
AB 1998.9Tyson, Ian2 lines19943
AB 1998.10Tyson, IanTwin gematria19973
AB 2001.41Tyson, IanZen199454
AB 2015.43Tyson, IanA line that may be cut: poems from 1965 by Larry Eigner1968194
AB 2014.26Tyson, KeithMolecular compound no. 4199911
AB 2011.3Tyson, MatthewLa Punta2007165
AB 2016.22Tyson, MatthewQuatuor2014199
AB 2014.6Vallance, JeffreyBlinky, the friendly hen20087
AB 2005.3Valoch, JiriBucher199789
AB 2013.15Van Leer, LouisaFifteen pornography companies200679
AB 2006.48Van Vliet, ClaireThe Gospel of Mary2006106
AB 2013.42Van Vliet, ClaireGreed2013101
AB 2015.46Van Vliet, ClaireWhatever happens1975194
AB 2015.47Van Vliet, ClaireThe adoration of the magi: an excerpt from a sermon preached by Lancelot Andrewes1960194
AB 2015.53Van Vliet, ClaireA country doctor1962194
AB 2015.54Van Vliet, ClaireAunt Sallie's lament2004204
AB 2017.15Van Vliet, ClaireThe silences between (Moeraki conversations)2016204
AB 2018.91Van Vliet, ClaireLucretius and other sonnets201799
AB 2019.52Van Vliet, ClaireWatermarks2019216
AB 2012.116Vargas Lugo, PabloFalla200562 copies
AB 2013.25Vasquez, PerryArt is dead/art is alive201018
AB 2012.84Vautier, BenL'art est prétention1971110
AB 2012.94Vautier, BenTextes theoriques: tracts, 1960-19741975110
AB 2018.20Vautier, BenLe livre total1962110
AB 2007.5Verclas, TillStreifzűge1998105
AB 2004.51Verdicchio, PasqualeLa Nave del Mondo200082
AB 2004.52Verdicchio, PasqualeApproaches to absence199082
AB 2003.51Verjux, MichelL'Exposition sous la lumière199067
AB 2024.12Vos, StacieMore names2024
AB 2011.33Vostell, WolfMiss Vietnam, and texts of other happenings1968136
AB 2012.125Vostell, WolfHappening Calvario1973136
AB 1994.7Vries, Herman de16 dm2 - an essay197917
AB 2001.29Vries, Herman deCollecting notes198717
AB 2003.139Vries, Herman deRosa damascena199079
AB 2010.71Vries, Herman deArgumentstellen20031182 copies
AB 2013.11Vries, Herman deThe music of sound, the sound of music200417
AB 2015.77Vries, Herman deInfinity in finity2013106
AB 2015.78Vries, Herman deHerman de Vries: for an exhibition at Blind Gallery2011106
AB 2016.17Vries, Herman deOnderweg: Herman de Vries, 'from here'198237
AB 2017.19Vries, Herman deThe earth museum catalogue2016205
AB 2018.107Vries, Herman deDie Wiese = The meadow2013114
AB 2018.123Vries, Herman deTo be all ways to be2015114
AB 2005.29Vukosavljevic, Zlatan"15"200045
AB 2005.30Vukosavljevic, ZlatanZlatan Vukosavljevik lab200391
AB 2005.31Vukosavljevic, ZlatanOccupied territories200391
AB 2006.36Vukosavljevic, ZlatanEnd game for Duchamp2001113Oversized
AB 2006.37Vukosavljevic, ZlatanManual2004101
AB 1995.5Waanders, HansVoice atlas of the world19948
AB 1995.6Waanders, HansTravel survival kit19908
AB 2015.38Waart, RobinNothing2012192
AB 2016.73Waart, RobinThinking in pictures2010202
AB 2010.60Wagener, RichardCalifornia in relief2009165
AB 2002.36Wagner, MarkLibrary in a book200249
AB 2007.51Walcot, WilliamSalammbo by Gustave Flaubert1926124
AB CAT 45Walker, AnneAnne Walker's painted books20033
AB 2010.28Wallen, RuthI [love] Del Mar1987127
AB 2003.50Walravens, DanielSerie noire199067
AB 2019.36Walsh, JamesThe arctic plants of New York City2015215
AB 2018.99Walther, Franz ErhardObjekte, benutzen196857
AB 1999.16Warhol, AndyAndy Warhol's children's book198325
AB 2004.54Warhol, AndyPop box200284
AB 2008.154Warhol, AndyPortraits of Ingrid Bergman198794
AB 2011.82Warhol, AndyWild raspberries199794
AB CAT 94Wasserman, KrystynaArtists' sketchbooks and illustrated diaries20073
AB 1999.34Watanabe, KazukoDiary of a sparrow199924
RSM W363 jaWeaver, NancyJanuary 20, 1980 - March…1982
AB 2008.124Weber, MarshallHouse of ghosts200051
AB 2009.4Weber, MarshallGolden chain2008118
AB 2010.54Weber, MarshallMirror2010159
AB 2015.32Weber, MarshallTacit knowledge2015103
AB 2017.87Weber, MarshallMaple2017209
AB 2019.51Weber, MarshallI'm a dirty white boy2019216
AB 2021.18Weber, MarshallWest Indian Day parade: Brooklyn 20182018219
AB 2021.20Weber, MarshallTouch and feel2021138
AB 2022.21Weber, MarshallThe I of the storm2018222
AB 2014.69Weber, Marshall Your ash2013180
AB 2013.23Weber, Marshall & Dana SmithForward2012186
AB 2013.52Weber, Marshall & Dana SmithStreet our street2013186
AB 2023.3Weber, MicahReservoir-2202120
AB 2001.16Wegman, William19.84198453
AB 2003.114Wegman, WilliamEveryday problems198477
AB 2005.21Wegman, WilliamFay199953
AB 2022.61Wegman, WilliamField guide to North America and to other regions2004225
AB 2000.28Wehr, BeataHow to connect two...199848
RSM W422 biWeil, SusanBird songs heartbeats1980
AB 2000.9Weiner, LawrenceApples & eggs, salt..199964
AB 2002.11Weiner, LawrenceStatements196864
AB 2002.12Weiner, LawrenceFlowed[1970s]64
AB 2002.13Weiner, LawrenceComing and going197764
AB 2002.14Weiner, LawrenceIn relation to probable..197864
AB 2002.15Weiner, LawrenceNatural water course200164
AB 2002.20Weiner, LawrenceTwixt one (&) the other199264
AB 2002.23Weiner, LawrenceVarious manners with various things197664
AB 2002.24Weiner, LawrenceZ Prawdopodobienstwem197964
AB 2002.25Weiner, Lawrence8 Arbeiten von Lawrence.197364
AB 2002.33Weiner, LawrenceTracce=Traces197064
AB 2002.53Weiner, LawrenceNach alles/After all200064
AB 2002.58Weiner, LawrenceFlags folded out of...199164
AB 2002.59Weiner, LawrenceWind & the willows199664
AB 2002.60Weiner, LawrenceSlipping & sliding199664
AB 2002.62Weiner, LawrenceOhne rucksicht oder199464
AB 2003.25Weiner, LawrenceDucks on a pond198864
AB 2003.64Weiner, LawrenceI met a stranger199664a
AB 2003.65Weiner, LawrenceMoi + toi & nous199364a
AB 2003.66Weiner, LawrenceIn the crack of dawn199164a
AB 2003.67Weiner, Lawrence10 works197164a
AB 2003.68Weiner, LawrenceRelative to hanging197564a
AB 2003.69Weiner, LawrenceOn the rocks197664a
AB 2003.70Weiner, LawrenceCausality: affected…197164a
AB 2003.71Weiner, LawrenceAnd/or: green as well...197264a
AB 2003.72Weiner, LawrenceTale of a maiden or two1996132
AB 2003.73Weiner, Lawrence10 obras = 10 works197164a
AB 2003.74Weiner, LawrenceWithin forward motion197364a
AB 2003.75Weiner, LawrenceWith a touch of pink197864a
AB 2003.76Weiner, LawrenceOnce upon a time197364a
AB 2003.78Weiner, LawrenceFripon fripon et demi199764a
AB 2003.82Weiner, LawrenceFrom point to point199564a
AB 2003.115Weiner, LawrenceUntil it is200264a
AB 2004.19Weiner, LawrenceA calendar for 1989198864a
AB 2004.21Weiner, LawrenceChains wrapped around one thing & another199264a
AB 2004.57Weiner, LawrenceDisplacement199164
AB 2005.2Weiner, LawrenceThe society architect ponders the Golden Gate Bridge oder: Wie sie Kriegen was sie nicht verdienen200064a
AB 2005.43Weiner, LawrenceSteel pennies don’t come from…199364a
AB 2006.16Weiner, LawrenceBlue moon over2001100
AB 2006.17Weiner, LawrenceAll fall down1992100
AB 2006.55Weiner, LawrenceHenry the Navigator in a sea of sand2006642 copies
AB 2007.37Weiner, LawrenceWorks1977100
AB 2007.44Weiner, LawrenceA Primer1972100
AB 2007.95Weiner, LawrenceBremerhaven200564a
AB 2008.87Weiner, LawrenceRegarding inscriptions (of a sort)197864a
AB 2009.61Weiner, LawrenceNau em i art bilong yumi1994100
AB 2009.62Weiner, LawrenceLa marelle ou pie in the sky199064a
AB 2009.63Weiner, LawrenceWild blue yonder200264
AB 2009.67Weiner, LawrenceAltered to suit1988100
AB 2009.68Weiner, LawrenceOn top of the trees1988100
AB 2010.22Weiner, LawrenceA tale of a maiden or two (Special edition)1996132
AB 2011.98Weiner, LawrenceDicht bij201064a
AB 2012.4Weiner, LawrenceSuomi Finland: passi pass passport2011100
AB 2012.5Weiner, LawrenceIf in fact there is a context2011100
AB 2012.7Weiner, LawrenceSyntax of dependency (with Liam Gillick)2011100
AB 2012.9Weiner, LawrenceCatalogus: ale yevonim hobn eyn ponim1990100
AB 2012.11Weiner, LawrenceLearn to read art: the books1995100
AB 2012.40Weiner, LawrenceNYC manhole covers2001100
AB 2012.41Weiner, LawrenceTowards a reasonable end1975100
AB 2012.43Weiner, LawrenceDeep blue sky, light blue sky2007100
AB 2012.44Weiner, LawrenceSomething to put something on2008100
AB 2012.45Weiner, LawrenceThrown someplace1991100
AB 2012.47Weiner, LawrenceSpecific & general works1993175
AB 2012.48Weiner, LawrenceTurning some pages2007100
AB 2012.49Weiner, LawrenceWithin a reasonable doubt1985100
AB 2012.50Weiner, LawrenceA day in the life2003100
AB 2012.51Weiner, LawrenceTiré à quatre épingles2003100
AB 2012.52Weiner, LawrenceScreenplay & movie2005100
AB 2012.53Weiner, LawrencePlowmans lunch: comix1989100
AB 2012.74Weiner, LawrenceCarl Th. Dreyer: a fable of women & water (Grand Street)1994175
AB 2012.100Weiner, LawrenceNach bildende Kunst = After fine art2012175
AB 2014.59Weiner, LawrencePerhaps when removed197164a
AB 2014.60Weiner, LawrenceFactors in the scope of distance1984175
AB 2014.74Weiner, LawrenceThe level of water19781752 copies
AB 2014.83Weiner, LawrenceTrois petits canards, une eau de vie2002175
AB 2019.33Weiner, LawrenceAnd/or: green as well as blue as well as red201264a
AB 2019.34Weiner, LawrenceDucks on a pond (hardcover)1988175
AB 2019.37Weiner, LawrenceTa sama woda = The same water199064a
AB 2019.38Weiner, LawrenceSomething to put something on2017100
AB 2019.39Weiner, Lawrence& or & oder & o1994175
AB 2020.12Weiner, LawrenceSkimming the water: (ménage à quatre)2010217
AB 2020.13Weiner, LawrenceHere it is, here it aint2018217
RSM W423 arWeiner, LawrenceHaving from time to time a relation to: escalation-overloading-revocation1973
RSM W423 caWeiner, LawrenceCausality: affected…1971
RSM W423 esWeiner, LawrenceHaving been done at…1972
RSM W423 grWeiner, LawrenceAnd/or green as well as…1972
RSM W423 paWeiner, LawrencePassage to the north…1981
RSM W423 peWeiner, LawrencePertaining to a structure…[1970s]
RSM W423 seWeiner, LawrenceSelection of works with …1976
RSM W423 vaWeiner, LawrenceVarious manners with …1976
AB 2007.4Wenger, SusanneTranskreaturliche Osmosen1999105
AB 2008.111Westheimer, BillManual200834
AB CAT 93White, Tony Production, not reproduction: offset printed artist books20073
AB 2013.38Wichtrey, AntjePina Bausch: dance, dance, otherwise we are lost201245
RSM W696 luWillats, StephenLurky place1978
RSM W696 stWillats, StephenStephen Willats: concerning…1979
AB 2003.48Williams, ChristopherAngola to Vietnam198967
AB 2011.59Williams, Christopher97.5 Mhz*200767
AB 2003.111Williams, EmmettValentine for Noel197377
AB 2012.58Williams, EmmettThe last french-fried potato and other poems1967176
AB 2014.54Williams, MasonThe Mason Williams reading matter1969179
RSM W726 paWilliams, ReesePast trial nearer1978
AB 2004.77Williams, ScottSan Francisco Secret 2003200383
AB 2019.46Williams, ScottThe lost secret forbidden history of round2019215
RSM W752 IwWilson, RobertI was sitting on my patio…1978Oversized
AB 2019.17Wilson, TonaDress code strictly enforced201886
AB 2004.37Windheim, Dorothee vonDas Bild als Dort200381
AB 2003.103Wing, DavidDeath Valley200375
AB 2005.63Wing, DavidLearning Japanese200640
AB 2020.14Winkfield, TrevorElevenses2017179
AB 2001.31Winkler, MichaelWord art/Art words198554
AB 2013.24Winston, SamA dictionary story2006179
AB 2019.19Winston, SamReading closed books2018213
AB 2022.43Winston, SamOf painted ears and listening eyes2021211
AB 2022.44Winston, SamFollowing the breath2022227
AB 2023.10Wirth, KarenContinental drifting: a travel book1991226
AB 2023.19Wirth, KarenSpatial geometries1991226
RSM W838 prWodiczko, KrzysztofProjection1979
RSM W848 arWolbier, Joan A.Arachne/Amaranth1983
AB 2013.36Woodard, CharlesA history of photography in pen & ink200920
AB 2007.80Wurm, Erwinvon Konfektionsgroesse 50 zu 54 in acht Tagen200692
AB 2024.3Wurm, JanPort Hueneme2014226
AB 2008.39Wüthrich, PeterLesend1997132
AB 2007.86Yang, HaegueUnpacking storage piece2007130
AB 2005.33Ybarra, MarioPublic speaking2004912 copies
AB 2008.41Yediler, IskenderAlbüm1998132
AB 2003.107Yoon, Jeannie M.Absencen.d.76
AB 2022.28You, Kyung EunWhere are we now2019222
AB 2018.25Young, La MonteAn anthology of chance operations, concept art …1970168
RSM Z49 caZelevansky, PaulCase for the burial of…1981
AB 2014.29Zellen, JodyTo2004155
AB 2014.39Zellen, JodyBeneath the ruins19961
AB 2014.40Zellen, JodyBlur199712 copies
AB 2014.41Zellen, JodyPinspot 21998155
AB 2014.42Zellen, JodyStanding still, still standing20001
AB 2014.43Zellen, JodyCity views2001155
AB 2014.44Zellen, JodyThe blackest spot20021
AB 2014.45Zellen, JodyOf a lost utopia2007155
AB 2014.46Zellen, JodyImagine 2008155
AB 2014.47Zellen, JodyWithout a trace2010155
AB 2014.48Zellen, JodyThe view20111
AB 2014.49Zellen, JodyIf201312 copies
AB 2014.50Zellen, JodyRewording images1987155
AB 2014.55Zellen, JodyGridded paths2000155
AB 2001.38Zimbrich, WalterWilhelm Dithey: Mozart : Figaro : Don Juan : Die Zauberflö198654
AB 2010.61Zimmermann, PhilipSanctus sonorensis2009151
RSM Z75 inZimmermann, PhilipInterference1982
RSM Z94 taZucker, JoeTanks1980
AB 1998.11Zwehl-Burke, PamelaAll ball199644
RSM Z97 shZwehl-Burke, PamelaSheepfold1982
AB 1991.2Lifelines: artwork & poetry by the artists of Hospitality House19901
AB 1998.19In praise of patterned papers199710
AB 2000.18One to six199934
AB 2000.39The World of Charlotte Moorman: archive catalogue2000108a
AB 2001.6Year 2001 original print200136Oversized
AB 2001.10Lemons descending200047
AB 2001.24Neolithic adventures199753
AB 2001.25Embedded meaning200029
AB 2001.475000 artists return199855
AB 2002.18Kunstzeitung...199559
AB 2002.34Limited edition200260
AB 2002.35Making books to music200260
AB 2002.41New now songs of today200060
AB 2003.3Carl Andre, …196965
AB 2003.33Objects are closer than..200266
AB 2003.34ON the IMPACT of EXPECTATIONS200166
AB 2003.96Flight patterns200371
AB 2003.124Peter Fischli, David Weiss: Musee d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris1999144
AB 2003.128City Projects--Prague199678
AB 2004.10[Square-squared]200380
AB 2004.14Le Chevallier Tondal199984
AB 2004.44Berlin north200481
AB 2004.78Beorum II: fragmentary evidence200483
AB 2005.15Cut & dried200491
AB 2005.42Artist's book yearbook 1994-95199594
AB 2005.45Rosebud199477
AB 2005.51Buttoned2005156
AB 2005.58Inside cover2000112Oversized
AB 2006.1This tends to happen200599
AB 2006.34Behind the facts: Interfunktionen2004102
AB 2006.38The life work of Dard Hunter1981116, 117Oversized, 2 volumes
AB 2006.39Old ways, new views: photographic processes on handmade paper1999190
AB 2006.40Design and pattern in decorated papers1994104
AB 2006.41Opacity and translucency: letterpress printing on handmade paper1996104
AB 2006.42Manny Farber and all that jazz2006105
AB 2007.11Power of ten2006102
AB 2007.15Nihonga: contemporary Japanese paintings in the traditional style1985102
AB 2007.29Found in translation: an exhibition of artist books and multi-media work2006110
AB 2007.39Køtøbå nø pårty200729
AB 2007.43
AB 2007.59Würgemale1996126
AB 2007.94Polfahrt: Urbane Mythen in Bremen, Riga & Outjo2005130
AB 2007.97Art & Project Bulletin1997In its own box
AB 2008.33Habitue2007114
AB 2008.127Branch collection200835
AB 2008.137Samsýning200170
AB 2008.138Hvít200035
AB 2009.44Art-rite 14: artists' books197734
AB 2009.47
AB 2009.59Perception: a suite of prints2009189
AB 2010.382-Up2010105
AB 2010.57Cover without a record2008159
AB 2010.75
AB 2011.45Andy Warhol1968131
AB 2011.46Flipbooks (assorted authors)1976-2005158
AB 2011.65Panorama Milano2002130
AB 2011.853rd ArtistBook International, Cologne 19961996128
AB 2011.87Manifestos1966149
AB 2012.17No problem=No problème: Albert Oehlen, Martin Kippenberger198648
AB 2012.63A Zaj sampler1967176
AB 2012.65John Baldessari in collaboration with Naomi Shohan2011160
AB 2012.68Baldessari sings LeWitt2011160
AB 2012.105
AB 2012.106
AB 2012.107
AB 2013.53[Rubber stamp portfolio]1976179
AB 2013.54
AB 2013.60Various small flyers and (the) ilk201356
AB 2014.22Liam Gillick, Lawrence Weiner2006175
AB 2014.30
AB 2014.31
AB 2014.32
AB 2014.33
AB 2015.37Aspen 5 + 61967192
AB 2015.61Carl Andre, Robert Barry, Douglas Huebler, Joseph Kosuth, Sol LeWitt, Robert Morris, Lawrence Weiner1968196
AB 2016.10Trading eights: the faces of jazz2016198
AB 2016.1324 Stunden1965185
AB 2016.14
AB 2016.16Electronic art196937
AB 2016.57
AB 2017.31
AB 2017.41
AB 2017.101c. 2 of AB 2017.50
AB 2018.31
AB 2018.36
AB 2018.38
AB 2018.92Black folio196145
AB 2018.100Atlas botánico mínimo de la Santa María la Ribera2017189
AB 2018.112A book of signs: the women's march, January 21, 2017, Washington DC201824
AB 2019.3VH 101: revue trimestrielle1970-72191
AB 2019.8
AB 2019.20
AB 2019.23
AB 2019.32
AB 2020.3
AB 2020.39
AB 2022.2re:connections2021216
AB 2022.13Celebrating artist members: the Center for Book Arts 30th anniversary members exhibition2005221
AB 2022.15A place called the universe200279
AB 2022.17Outerspace hillbilly2003139
AB 2022.46January 5 - 31, 2012: Craig Dworkin, Kenneth Goldsmith, Jonathan Monk, Michalis Pichler2012157
AB 2022.54July, August, September 20122012157
AB 2023.6Edgar Arceneaux, Juan Capistran/Hazel Mandujano, Gala Porras-Kim, Cammie Staros, Mungo Thomson2014226
AB 2023.27Aratus, Phaenomena, Sky signs2022227
AB CAT 1Westward Bound 1
AB CAT 4Completing the circle19921
AB CAT 5The library of Babel19911
AB CAT 13Books do furnish a room20011
AB CAT 16Artist's book : Russia 1970-1990-th19992
AB CAT 17A tale of two cities20012
AB CAT 21Russische und ukrainische Künstlerbücher19962
AB CAT 229. Internationale Ausstellung für Künstlerbücher und Handpressendrucke Leipzig + Frankfurt/M. 200020003
AB CAT 23Book as Art XIV: Temptations20022
AB CAT 24Book as Art: 10th anniversary exhibition19972
AB CAT 25Book as Art X19982
AB CAT 26Book as Art XI19992
AB CAT 27Künstler Bücher: die Sammlung Reinhard Grüner20042
AB CAT 28Liquid language20021
AB CAT 30San Diego Book Arts second national juried show20083
AB CAT 31Livres-objets, lumieres du soleil noir19911
AB CAT 32A celebration of collaboration : Maine's Two Ponds Press at 1020222
AB CAT 34Modern rare books19972
AB CAT 35Cross currents19912
AB CAT 37In context: contemporary artists' books and their antecedents19862
AB CAT 38Dressing the text19952
AB CAT 39Picasso as an illustrator19882
AB CAT 41Learn to read art: artists' books19902
AB CAT 42Verbally charged images19843
AB CAT 67Printed in Spain20022
AB CAT 71Science imagined19962
AB CAT 73Books: inside and out19902
AB CAT 74Imagine that: National Book Arts exhibition20042
AB CAT 83Les peintres et les livres19903
AB CAT 86Book as Art XV20043
AB CAT 89Too much bliss: twenty years of Granary Books20063
AB CAT 90Artists' books, revisited200532 copies
AB CAT 97Gefn Press: catalogue raisonne, 1977-200720073
RSM B168 naNature Art1978
RSM L316Lapp princess 1980 calendar1980
RSM L772Lisson Gallery1977Oversized
ZZ To be determinedV45Box moved to Sp Coll
ZZ To be determinedGlass tiger figurine+folded board + 3-D glasses45Box moved to Sp Coll

In 2010, the Athenaeum published a booklet exploring the library’s complete collection of artist’s books by the much heralded contemporary artist Ed Ruscha. A second booklet focusing on the Athenaeum’s complete collection of Ida Applebroog’s artist's books was published in 2011. The third booklet on Allen Ruppersberg was published in 2012 and the fourth and fifth booklets (on John Baldessari and Bruce Nauman) were published in 2013. In 2016, the booklet on Roberta Allen’s complete collection was published, followed by booklets on Allan Kaprow and Mel Bochner in 2018. Currently a booklet on Sol LeWitt and a second edition of booklet on Ed Ruscha are in process. All booklets—catalogues raisonnés—are sent out to a list of national and international institutions interested in artists’ books.