Sol LeWitt: Artists’ Books Collection, Athenaeum Music & Arts Library

Sol LeWitt: Artists’ Books Collection, Athenaeum Music & Arts Library


The book includes detailed documentation of each of LeWitt’s 80 artist’s books, the complete collection of which is held by the Athenaeum. Also featured within the book are essays about the medium of artists’ books, the artist Sol LeWitt, and sources for secondary information.

Artists' books publication ; no. 9.

"... is the ninth work in the series."--Page 6.

207 pages : illustrations (color) ; 20 cm.

All texts are by Athenaeum staff.

“An Introduction to Sol LeWitt” was written by Cornelia Feye.
“An Introduction to Artists’ Books” was written by Carol Buckley.

Director Emeritus for Artists’ Books and Managing Editor: Erika Torri
Editor: Julie Dunn
Research and Acquisitions for Artists’ Books: Erika Torri
Other Research: Kathi Bower Peterson, Carol Buckley, and Maura Walters
Photography: Philipp Scholz Rittermann
Design: Maura Walters
Printing: TPS Printing, Pam Redman

Party underwritten by a grant from the Ellen Browning Scripps Foundation.

Athenaeum Music & Arts Library
La Jolla, California

ISBN: 979-8-9869448-0-7

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Ida Applebroog: Artists’ Books Collection, Athenaeum Music & Arts Library

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