Them and Us; Ellos y Nosotros

Them and Us; Ellos y Nosotros

from $45.00

The book, published in conjunction with the exhibition Them and Us; Ellos y Nosotros at MASS MoCA*, examines Marco Ramírez ERRE’s multidisciplinary practice focused on the complex relationships of the U.S.-Mexico border region.

*Exhibition dates: August 3, 2019–October 24, 2022

By Marco Ramírez ERRE

Coordinatión editorial: Érika Moreno Páez, Jhonnatan Moisés Curiel Sedeño
Curaduría del libro: Daril Fortis, Eduardo Lozano Murillo y Susan Cross
Corrección de texto en español: Efrén Calleja
Corrección de texto en inglés: Davis Gaddis
Maquetación: Marcela Guadiana
Última lectura: Estefanía Amaro López
Diseño de cubierta: Marcela Guadiana
Imagen de cubierta: Kaelan Burkett, 2019.

Book text in both English and Spanish.
Hardcover, 300 pages, 29 cm.
Photographs in color.
Printed in Mexico.

Tijuana, B.C. : El Colegio de la Frontera Norte; North Adams, MA : MASS MoCA; San Diego, CA : Athenaeum Music & Arts Library; Ann Arbor, MI : Stamps Gallery-University of Michigan, 2021.

ISBN: 978-607-479-388-8

Unsigned copy: $45
Signed copy: $50

About Marco Ramírez ERRE
Born in Tijuana, Baja California Mexico in 1961. Law Degree in the Universidad Autonoma de Baja California. In 1983 immigrated to the United States where he worked for 17 years in the construction industry. In 1989 (while still working in the construction sector) became active in the field of visual arts, since then he has participated in residencies, lectures and different individual and collective exhibitions in countries like Mexico, USA, Canada, Sweden, Poland, Germany, Russia China, France, Spain, Portugal, Cuba, Colombia, Puerto Rico, Chile, Argentina, y Brazil, and. And in mayor exhibitions like InSite94, InSite97, the VI and VII Havana Biennials, the Whitney Biennial 2000, the second Moscow Biennial, the San Juan Poly/Graphic Triennial, the 2007 Sao Paulo /Valencia Biennial, the California Biennial 08, the Zero One Biennial, The Site Santa Fe Biennial ,Made in California, Mexico Illuminated, From Baja to Vancouver, “Politica de la Diferencia, Arte Iberoamericano de fin de siglo”, Human/Nature, and ECO Contemporary Mexican Art, in the Centro Reina Sofia Museum in Spain, among others.

In 2007 received a United States Artist fellowship, and since 2009 is a fellow member of Mexico’s National System of Art Creators.

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